Update to model interfaces


The following updates were made:

  • Citation updated to reflect 2025 publication date; Version of Record is 20 September 2024 but I am told to use the 2025 citation (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780323997621000620?via%3Dihub).
  • In-model citations changed to reflect 2025 preference.
  • Links to interfaces kept the same to avoid issues; this means the links refer to 2024 as the publication year…which still seems kind of valid since this is the Version of Record.
  • Incorrect word in dolomitization model corrected; large advection time scales correlate to more closed systems (longer fluid replacement time scales). I had used ‘low’ instead of ‘large’ by mistake previously.

Soon to be published: Fantle and Lloyd (2024) Demystifying Diagenesis: The Future of Diagenetic Inquiry in the Geosciences

Be on the lookout for the Treatise on Geochemistry (Elsevier) chapter by Matthew S. Fantle and Max Lloyd in 2024. Accompanying the chapter will be an online repository (scholarsphere.psu.edu) in which you will find a ton of useful information and links. Amongst the latter are URLs for model interfaces that anyone can use to explore diagenesis in a quantitative manner.

The abstract:

Diagenesis encompasses all physical, chemical, mineralogical changes that a sediment, rock, molecule, or mineral undergoes following deposition. Because the time that geologic materials spend in the diagenetic realm is substantial relative to the time spent in the formational environment, there is potential for primary materials to be altered diagenetically. Despite its importance, diagenesis is a difficult and complicated topic to discuss. In this contribution, we demonstrate the use of a range of quantitative tools, from mixing equations to reactive transport models, in order to facilitate discussions of diagenesis. We consider simple models of 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂3 recrystallization and dolomitization that are applicable to both shallow and deep-sea marine sediments, highlight key controls on diagenetic trajectories, present a compilation of partition coefficients for 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂3 and clays, and discuss model illustrations of the diagenetic generation/modification, of carbon, calcium, and lithium isotopic records in the marine sedimentary section.

Chanda et al. (2023): a Mg isotopic perspective on clay authigenesis

The group’s most recent paper is Chanda et al. (2023):

Clay authigenesis in carbonate-rich sediments and its impact on carbonate diagenesis

published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2023.02.002). It is a multi-proxy perspective on clay authigenesis in carbonate sediments from the modern ocean, though there is a strong focus on Mg isotopes. We present elemental (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, Na/Ca) and isotopic (Sr, Mg, Ca) data from three ODP sites (762, 806, and 807), as well as high resolution SEM and nano-SIMS data from Site 762.

The observations made suggest that clay authigenesis occurs in carbonate-rich sites, which is a hypothesis also made by Andrews et al (2020) at IODP Site U1338. Chanda et al. (2023) also suggest that clay authigenesis impacts the rate at which carbonate recrystallizes; if this impact is not homogeneous in the section, it can create spurious geochemical records that may be misinterpreted (the example in this case is most pronounced in the Na/Ca record).

Please contact mfantle at psu dot edu with any questions and/or comments. Or post your comment here.