
Look for pdfs of published work on ResearchGate; look for open source models and other supplemental material on ScholarSphere.

Recent work that I am actively looking to build on is highlighted below —

* Chanda, P., Kohli, A., Teng, F.-Z., and Fantle, M. S. (2023) Clay authigenesis in carbonate-rich sediments and its impact on carbonate diagenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 346, 76–101, [student paper]

Joshi, P., Fantle, M. S., Boualavong, J., and Gorski, C. A. (2022) Quantifying the rate of Fe2+-catalyzed recrystallization based on a unifying model framework. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 336,

Steinhoefel, G., Brantley, S. L., and Fantle, M. S. (2021) Lithium isotopic fractionation during weathering and erosion of shale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 295,

* Hoagland, B., Mosley, L., Russo, T., Kirby, J., Cullen, C., Fantle, M. S., Raven, M., and Fisher, J. (2021) Arsenic sequestration in gold mine wastes under changing pH and experimental rewetting cycles. Applied Geochemistry, 124, [student paper]

Adloff, M., Ridgwell, A., Monteiro, F. M., Parkinson, I. J., Dickson, A. J., Pogge Von Strandmann, P. A. E., Fantle, M. S., and Greene, S. E. (2021) Inclusion of a suite of weathering tracers in the cGENIE Earth system model-muffin release v.0.9.23. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(7),

Fantle, M. S., Barnes, B. D., and Lau, K. V. (2020) The Role of Diagenesis in Shaping the Geochemistry of the Marine Carbonate Record. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48(1), 549–583,

* Andrews, E., Pogge von Strandmann, P. A. E., and Fantle, M. S. (2020) Exploring the importance of authigenic clay formation in the global Li cycle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 289, [student paper]

Fantle, M. S. and Ridgwell, A. (2020) Towards an understanding of the Ca isotopic signal related to ocean acidification and alkalinity overshoots in the rock record. Chemical Geology, 547,

Griffith, E. M. and Fantle, M. S. (2020) Introduction to calcium isotope geochemistry: Past lessons and future directions. Chemical Geology, 537,

Druhan, J. L., Lammers, L., and Fantle, M. S. (2020) On the utility of quantitative modeling to the interpretation of Ca isotopes. Chemical Geology, 537, 119469,

Griffith, E. M., Schmitt, A.-D., Andrews, M. G., and Fantle, M. S. (2020) Elucidating modern geochemical cycles at local, regional, and global scales using calcium isotopes. Chemical Geology, 534, 119445,

Fantle, M. S. and Griffith, E. M. (2019) Calcium isotope geochemistry: Past lessons and future directions – A dedication to Thomas Darwin Bullen (1951–Sept. 7, 2018). Chemical Geology, 528, 119271, [Special issue on Ca isotopes dedicated to Thomas Bullen]
* Mansor, M., and Fantle, M. S. (2019) A novel framework for interpreting pyrite-based Fe isotope records of the past. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 39–62, [student paper]
* Harouaka, K., Gorski, C. A., and Fantle, M. S. (2019) Quantifying Ca exchange in gypsum using a 45Ca tracer: Implications for interpreting Ca isotopic effects in experimental and natural systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 259, 371–390, [student paper]
* Chanda, P., Gorski, C. A., Oakes, R. L., and Fantle, M. S. (2019) Low temperature stable mineral recrystallization of foraminiferal tests and implications for the fidelity of geochemical proxies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 506, 428–440, [student paper]

* Mansor, M., Harouaka, K., Gonzales, M. S., Macalady, J. L., and Fantle, M. S. (2018) Transport-induced spatial patterns of sulfur isotopes (δ34S) as biosignatures. Astrobiology. 18(1): 59-72, 10.1089/ast.2017.1650. [student paper]

* Joshi, P., Fantle, M. S., Larese-Casanova, P., Gorski, C. (2017) Susceptibility of goethite to Fe2+-catalyzed recrystallization over time. Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (20), 11681-11691, doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b02603. [student paper]

Gorski, C. A. and Fantle, M. S. (2017) Stable Mineral Recrystallization in Low Temperature Aqueous Systems: A Critical Review. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 198: 439-465, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.013.

* Chanda, P. and Fantle, M. S. (2017) Quantifying the effect of diagenetic recrystallization on δ26Mg in marine carbonates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 204:219-239, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.010. [student paper]

Stevenson, E., Fantle, M. S., Das, S. B., Williams, H. M., and Aciego, S. M. (2017) Fractionation of iron isotopes in subglacial systems. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 213: 237-254. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.06.002.

Huber, C., Druhan, J., and Fantle, M. S. (2017) Perspectives on geochemical proxies: the impact of model and parameter selection on carbonate recrystallization rates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 217: 171-192, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.08.023.

* Harouaka, K., Kubicki, J., and Fantle, M. S. (2017) Effect of amino acids on the precipitation kinetics and Ca isotopic composition of gypsum. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 218: 343-364, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.09.010. [student paper]

* Yesavage, T., Stinchcomb, G. E., Fantle, M. S., Sak, P., Kasnel, A., Brantley, S. L. (2016) Investigation of a Diabase-derived Regolith Profile from Pennsylvania: Mineralogy, Chemistry and Fe Isotope Fractionation (U.S.A). Geoderma. 273: 83–97, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.03.004. [student paper]

* Harouaka, K., Mansor, M., Macalady, J. M. and Fantle, M. S. (2016) Calcium isotopic fractionation in microbially mediated gypsum precipitates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 184: 114-131, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.003. [student paper]

Fantle, M. S. (2015) Calcium isotopic evidence for rapid recrystallization of bulk marine carbonates and implications for geochemical proxies. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 148: 378-401, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.005.

Griffith, E. M., Fantle, M. S., Eisenhauer, A., Bullen, T. D., and Paytan, A. (2015) Effects of ocean acidification on the marine calcium isotope record at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Ear Planet Sci Lett. 419: 81-92, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.03.010.

* Mansor, M., Hamilton, T., Fantle, M. S., and Macalady, J. M. (2015) Metabolic diversity and ecological niches of Achromatium populations revealed with single-cell genomic sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: 822, doi:10.3389/fmicb.00822. [student paper]

Mathur, R. and Fantle, M. S. (2015) Copper Isotopic Perspectives on Supergene Processes: Implications for the Global Cu Cycle. Elements. 11(5):323-329. doi:10.2113/gselements.11.5.323.

Fantle, M. S. and Tipper, E. (2014) Calcium isotopes in the global biogeochemical Ca cycle: Implications for development of a Ca isotope proxy. Earth-Sci Rev. 129: 148-177, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.10.004.

* Harouaka, K., Eisenhauer, A., and Fantle, M. S. (2014) Experimental investigation of Ca isotopic fractionation during abiotic gypsum precipitation. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 129: 157-176, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.12.004 [student paper]

Balashov, V. N., Engelder, T., Gu, X., Fantle, M. S., Brantley, S. L.. (2014) A model describing flowback chemistry changes with time after Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing. AAPG Bull. doi:10.1306/06041413119.

Fantle, M. S. and Higgins, J. (2014) The effects of diagenesis and dolomitization on Ca and Mg isotopes in marine platform carbonates: Implications for the geochemical cycles of Ca and Mg. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 142: 458-481, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.025.

* Tollerud, H. and Fantle, M. S. (2014) The temporal variability of centimeter-scale surface roughness in a playa dust source: Synthetic aperture radar investigation of playa surface dynamics. Remote Sens Environ, 154: 285-297, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.08.009 [student paper]

* Wieczorek, R. W., Fantle, M. S., Kump, L. R., and Ravizza, G. (2013) Geochemical evidence for volcanic activity prior to and enhanced terrestrial weathering during the PETM. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 119: 391-410, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.06.005 [student paper]

Fantle, M. S., Tollerud, H., Eisenhauer, A, and C. Holmden. (2012) The Ca isotopic composition of dust-producing regions: measurements of surface sediments in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.03.037

* Yesavage, T., Fantle, M. S., et al. (2012) Fe cycling in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania: An analysis of chemical weathering and Fe isotope fractionation. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 99:18-38, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.029 [student paper]

Fantle, M. S. (2010) Evaluating the Ca isotope proxy. Am J Sci. 310: 194-230, doi: 10.2475/03.2010.03.

Fantle, M. S., Maher, K., and DePaolo, D. J. (2010) Isotopic Approaches for Quantifying the Rates of Marine Burial Diagenesis. Reviews of Geophysics. 48: RG3002, doi:10.1029/2009RG000306.

Parizek, R. R., Moneim, A. A. A., Fantle, M. S., Westerman, J. S., and Issawi, B. (2010) Isotopic data: Implications for the source(s) of Osireion groundwater, Abydos, Egypt. Bulletin of the Tethys Geological Society. 5: 23-34.

Fantle, M. S. and Bullen, T. D. (2009) Essentials of Fe and Ca isotope analysis of natural materials by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Chem Geol. 258(1-2): 50-64.

Medina-Elizalde, M., Lea, D. W., and Fantle, M. S. (2008) Proxy and Climate Implications of Past Mg/Ca Variability in Seawater. Earth Planet Sci Lett 269(3-4), 585-595.

Elmore, A. J., Okin, G. S., Kaste, J. M., and Fantle, M. S. (2008) Groundwater influences on atmospheric dust generation in deserts. Journal of Arid Environments 72(10): 1753-1765.

Fantle, M. S. and DePaolo, D. J. (2007) Ca isotopes in carbonate sediment and pore fluid from ODP Site 807A:  The Ca2+(aq)-calcite equilibrium fractionation factor and calcite recrystallization rates in Pleistocene sediments. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71(10), 2524-2546, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.03.006.

Fantle, M. S. and DePaolo, D. J. (2006) Sr isotopes and pore fluid chemistry in carbonate sediment of the Ontong Java Plateau:  Calcite recrystallization rates and evidence for a rapid rise in seawater Mg over the last 10 million years. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 70(15), 3883-3904.

Fantle, M. S. and DePaolo, D. J. (2005) Variations in the marine Ca cycle over the past 20 million years. Earth Planet Sci Lett 237(1-2), 102-117.

Fantle, M. S. and DePaolo, D. J. (2004) Iron isotopic fractionation during continental weathering, Earth Planet Sci Lett 228(3-4), 547-562.

Dittel A. I., Epifanio C. E., Schwalm S. M., Fantle M. S., and Fogel M. L. (2000) Carbon and nitrogen sources for juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus in coastal wetlands.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series 194, 103-112.

Fantle M. S., Dittel A. I., Schwalm S. M., Epifanio C. E., and Fogel M. L. (1999) A food web analysis of the juvenile blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, using stable isotopes in whole animals and individual amino acids. Oecologia 120(3), 416-426.

Horton T. W., Chamberlain C. P., Fantle M., and Blum J. D. (1999) Chemical weathering and lithologic controls of water chemistry in a high-elevation river system: Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming and Montana. Water Resources Research 35(5), 1643-1655.