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EXPLORE: Mass Balance

fφFraction of initial pore space filledlength3/length3
fmass,kMass fraction of kth mineral componentg k/g total solid
fV,kVolume fraction of the kth phaselength3/length3
NikMoles of species i in phase kMoles
ρkDensity of phase kmass/length3
p/qrIsotopic ratio of nuclides p and q
XisMole fraction of species i in the sthmol i/mol mixture
Units are generic where possible: length indicates a unit of length (cm, m, km), mass a gram-based units of mass (g or kg), and time a unit of time (e.g., years, a (annum or annorum) and millions of year, Ma). Moles are specifically denoted.

EXPLORE: The reaction length scale

EXPLORE: ToG Figure 2 — The terminology of diagenesis

EXPLORE: ToG Figure 3 — An evaluation of Ca isotopes as a diagenetic tool