Last week, I decided it was time to begin my critical reading assignment for my Comm 100 class, which meant I had to take a trip to the Pattee and Paterno Library, my first as a Penn State student. So after class ended for the day, my friend Luigi and I went to the library to look for the two magazines we needed for the project. When we got there we told the polite woman at the front desk what we were looking for. She told us to go all the way down the hallway, go right up the stairs, then turn left, and then left again, I think. When we got up the stairs we came upon hundreds of large bookcases, that reminded us both of something you would see out of a Harry Potter movie, and quickly got lost. There were about five or six rooms just like that upstairs (with none of them containing what we came to look for, magazines), and we quickly became even more lost, until we met another woman who asked if she could help us find what we were looking for. She took Luigi and I to the magazine and journal room, which probably would have taken us an hour to find, in less than two minutes.
After about twenty minutes of browsing, we were able to find two magazines each, that we thought would fill the requirements of the assignment, however they did not, but that is beside the point. We checked out the magazines at the desk, where they told us we had a week to return them. After the checkout process, we walked into Sidewater Commons, one of the studying areas in the library. In Sidewater Commons, we took advantage of the computers, the quiet space, and the printers. Luigi and I stayed in there for at least two hours getting work done for both of our classes, CAS 100 and Comm 100. We both really enjoyed the experience at the library, even though we got lost at first, and look forward to spending many more hours there in the future! (That was sarcasm by the way)
Did you guys check out the Harry Potter room? I would have loved to see actual photos from your journey in the library on this post.
We walked around the Harry Potter room for a while, but we didn’t take any pictures. I’ll try to remember next time I’m there!