
I just realized that I don’t have a self introduction post for week 1 because I added this course later on week 2. So I’d like to make it up now.

My name is Tongtong Zhou, a second year landscape architecture. I think sustainability refers to a health development process apply to many aspects. What I care about most is from an environmental perspective. Sustainability suggests a living style and also a design concept. And the notion of resilience has a lot to do with sustainable development. I would say it is a approach to achieve sustainability.

The reason I chose this course is also related. Honestly I don’t really into math in general, but this course topic, sustainability questions, interests me that math actually has lots of connection with daily life, human society, environment and more. And it may help us to get new ideas about certain things by using mathematics.

Here is a cool website I want to share with you. It contains lots of worldwide amazing landscape designs. http://www.landezine.com

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