
Tomorrow’s Beauty

I briefly spoke on the idea of technology contributing to the pandemic of inflated confidence in “Unmasking the […]

Not All Hope is Lost

My previous blogs explained that beauty standards are objective criteria created on the basis of good health. As […]

Judge a Book by its Cover

Imagine a world where the cover of a book determines its entire storyline. We live in a society […]

The Beauty of Uniqueness

Their beauty is a symphony of unfamiliar notes Each tone and melody defies the conventional Yet together, They […]

The Golden Ratio of Glamour

Continuing the textbook lesson in the previous blog, let’s aestheticize the world of beauty and its magnificent, marvelous, […]

The Beauty of Being Average

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is defined by an objective criteria. Beauty is […]

Why Is the Ugly Duckling Ugly?

It was 9:00 in the morning, and the teacher’s voice rang out clearly calling the class to sit […]