Here are some resources for creating your own Right to Know document!
The latest version of my Right to Know Document includes examples from SPARCnet research for my Ph.D. project. The RTK also contains 3 appendices, each with its own goals and functions. You can download each of the appendices from my QUBES Module.
I provide instructional videos explaining how to build your own communication tool. The introduction video provides context for the larger issue concerning mental well-being and inclusive culture in the field. The Summary of RTK Sections video is a brief (6 min) executive summary of each of section in the RTK. You can watch the recording of my webinar on Building Safer Spaces as you create your own RTK guide.
My goal is to motivate people to use the provided template (Appendix A) and examples from my RTK and videos to build their own. It is my hope that supervisors and their field teams do the work to think about ways to support everyone’s safety, mental well-being, and professional development. Please use this collection of tools and adapt and develop them as appropriate for your group.
Copyright 2023 Maisie MacKnight