What Makes You Happy?

As winter turns to spring, the snow begins to melt, the sun starts to shine through your windows and kiss your skin, and everyone’s mental health begins to improve.

What makes you happy? 

When you’re going through a funk of stress, Related imagewhether it be because of those killer midterms or financial strain, it is important to think about what keeps you going. I’ve talked about my one-hour rule in the past, and it works wonders. You should be giving yourself an hour per day, or more depending on how much time you have, to do something that relaxes you, makes you smile, and keeps that happiness meter high. Counting your blessings rather than weighing on the hardships in your life is what makes life worth it.

With this recent shift from freezing cold to gorgeous sunlight, I was reading an article about how the change in weather is improving our moods. Especially if you spend time in a park. Something on campus that makes me really happy is visiting the arboretum!Image result for arboretum psu It is a great place to take your friends, walk around, and enjoy the view. There is something about being outside that does wonders on our mental health, even if it is just for minutes. According to the article, “Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that spending just 20 minutes in an urban park can make you happier by improving your overall mental health and well-being.” Doctors orders, take that one hour of yours and spend it soaking in the sun!

Follow my advice and give yourself an hour everyday to do something you enjoy. You have to remember that life is not all about work. Life is not all about studying and doing school work. You can budget your time for your mental health, I promise. If I can do it, you can too. I have four classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. One on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but then I work an eight hour shift. In the evenings of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have colorguard practice from 9pm to midnight. Then every Saturday we have all-day competitions. Basically my only day for myself is Sunday. You bet I’ll be spending some time soaking in the sun, and so should you.

Enjoy your hour, and enjoy this beautiful weather.





2 thoughts on “What Makes You Happy?

  1. I found this post really inspiring. I recently lost my father who I was very close with to cancer. Most of the comfort I find is through art and growth. I think you have two very strong points. I think that people are connected to nature in powerful ways and when art is interwoven in that it is a beautiful thing. This is such a positive blog and I find positivity rare these days. This post is doing valuable work!

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. If you ever need a friend, please do not hesitate reach out. You’re never alone, I promise.

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