
There are plenty of firsts we have all experienced. Our first steps, first time riding a bike without training wheels, first kiss,  first car. We never really think that our firsts will bleed out and soon become close to our last. Oh, endings. Similar to change, they always leave a stale taste in my mouth. Could […]

Amsterdam, Netherlands

For Spring Break this year, I studied abroad in Amsterdam. The trip was amazing, and I learned so much about the culture of Holland and about myself as a person. I learned how capable I was, and how confident I should be in myself. This trip was the first time I had been out of […]

Sunflowers and Bliss

“Then I wished that I could come back as a flower.” A quote woven into an outstanding mural in the Botanic Gardens at Washington D.C.. What does this quote mean to you?  To Nakisha Durrett, the artist, this piece represents the juxtaposed meanings within objects and plants. There’s history, imagination, creativity, and everything else in […]

What Makes You Happy?

As winter turns to spring, the snow begins to melt, the sun starts to shine through your windows and kiss your skin, and everyone’s mental health begins to improve. What makes you happy?  When you’re going through a funk of stress, whether it be because of those killer midterms or financial strain, it is important to […]


I love to learn, I always have. I am a psychology major and have learned about different disorders, but one I am digging to understand is my own. What is bipolar disorder? What I know already is how it feels to live with it, but I really want to know how it is different than […]

Helping a Friend

A friend of mine reached out to me this week because she felt like she’s been in a depressed funk lately. She loves her school, she loves the atmosphere, but for some reason she has been feeling unhappy with herself, her body, and her life overall. Let’s call her Allison to maintain privacy. Allison has […]

Something New

A little trick I use to get back on my feet after a fall is trying something new. As I have probably bored you with by now, I have had a solid decade of struggling when it comes to my mental well-being. Each chapter in my story came with something new. When I was in […]

This I Believe

I share this with you not for a grade, just to keep in case it helps anyone out there. Enjoy.   My entire life I have struggled with who I am. Who am I? Without exploring the gory details, I will share that as a child I faced emptiness and depression that continues to creep […]

Welcome Back!

It’s a new year and a fresh start. I hope you enjoy my blogs this semester, and maybe I’ll continue them throughout the summer and the semesters to come. Who knows what this year will bring, but let it be a fresh start! Please enjoy my gifs to represent how I feel about walking into […]