What It’s Like Living on Medication

When I was fourteen I decided my depression was spiraling to the point where I needed psychiatric help. From the age of eight to thirteen I had been in seen a few counselors, but we found a problem along the way. They explained to my grandmother, who was my guardian at the time, that because […]

Mind and Body

I watch a lot of YouTube in my free time (what is free time though?). In my YouTube subscriptions, Gabbie Hanna and Doctor Mike’s recent video on mental health came up in my feed. The video was about thirty minutes long, unedited, and conversational-styled. Doctor Mike is a primary care doctor and certified surgeon while […]

My Escape

Change is hard. Forgiveness is hard. Happiness is hard to achieve, and hard is an understatement. I know it is Thanksgiving break, but I am realizing that if I sit still and relax, my mind wanders. My mind wanders around the room, peaks outside, and has a hard time sinking back into an easy reality. My thoughts […]


You know what I have consistently struggled with throughout my life? Forgiveness. Without exposing the most gory details of what happened during my childhood, I’ll just mention that it was full of emotional trauma. The source of the trauma was my parents. When you’re small and naive you look up to your parents because they […]

What a Headache

For what seems like the majority of this semester, my body has been under more emotional stress than a normal teenager endures. If you heard my life story, Dr. Phil only being a leaf on the tree of crazy, you’d probably wonder how I even got this far. No, no, no. I do not want […]

Anxiety with a Crowd

Hello! I hope you enjoyed Halloween and indulged in some candy and horror flicks. I know I binged  the Halloweentown movies this week. This week I’ve been dealing with continuous family-related stress, and if you want to know more about that, hop on over to my post where I described my journey on The Dr. Phil Show. […]

Hang In There

Three weeks until Thanksgiving break, six weeks until Christmas break, and once we get through Friday, it’ll finally be the weekend!  Something I have discovered about myself throughout the years of struggling with my mental health is keeping an eye out for rewards. What do I mean by that? If you’re having trouble focusing because […]

Under the Weather

As the leaves begin to change, they fall to the Earth and decorate our pathways with speckles of warm colors. The pumpkin season is in, the air is transitioning from hot to cool, and many are getting the sniffles. As important as it is to pay attention to symptoms of allergies and flu victims, addressing […]