Ted talk script draft

Topic: How food preservation affects your health

Purpose:  To show people how food preservation, while it does have detrimental affects, is overall positive towards our health, as long as we consider how the food is preserved.

Thesis statement:  Food preservation is an essential part of our daily lives.  However, before consuming something, you should consider both the positive and negative health benefits.


Attention strategy:  Talk about how life would be without food preservation.  Maybe say something about how many people

Orienting Material: PowerPoint


Main idea: A brief history of food preservation.

  • necessary for civilization
  • food and drug act of 1906
  • rise of restaurants?
  • Main Idea: How too much preserved food can hinder your health.
    • obesity epidemic
    • artificial preservation compounds

Main Idea: How food preservation can improves your overall health.

  • prevents bacterial growth and molds
    • why is this bad
  • maybe talk about oxidization and how this can make food go bad
    • possibly include this with the previous topic
  • how food preservation can save us during things like drought and war
    • famines


While yes, the way we preserve our food can sometimes contain things that can be detrimental to our health, we wouldn’t be here without it.


Paradigm shift rough draft

  • Intro(workshop this a lot)…. maybe this should be a body paragraph idk
    • When ever you have a large group of people, you need to make sure that there is someway that everyone can eat.  As civilizations grow, and job specialization emerges, not everyone is going to be able to hunt and gather their own food, or even grow it.  There needs to be some way that people are able to take and redistribute the food.  The preservation of food was also helpful when a drought struck? since there would be a back up of food surplus from the last crop to feed the citizens of a city.  Since food preservation became more common in cities, people flocked to these places where they were offered protection and the guarantee of a meal.  This was continuously common through time, and as preservation techniques got better and better, our population continued to grow.  The improvement of preservation methods resulted in the improvement of overall health, and in turn caused human population to skyrocket. (mesh those two sentences together maybe?)
  • salt
    • talk about how salt was used to preserve everything
    • bad food can give you stomach cancer
    • sailors and scurvy
    • drying foods
  • natural ice/snow
    • froze food
    • insolated cellers
  • canning?
    • not sure if this should be included but
  • refrigeration
    • how did this cause the rate of pop to skyrocket
  • germ theory
    • pastuer
    • milk
    • people declaring “pastorization”
  • restaurants
    • people were now going out to eat
    • food was transported by trains and such
      • should I make a new pg for transportation?
  • the jungle/ Pure food and drug act of 1906
    • people were disgusted with food preservation regulations
    • caused the need for better regulations; overall improving health
  • fast food/chains
    • frozen food so its like cheap
    • mass preservation
    • transportation
    • maybe go back to how over preserved food can make you sick? idk

cite these (ask is APA or MLA)






RCL # 7

The two photos that I chose were the one which says “Iraqis watch a 3-D movie in Baghdad, 2010” on the 25th page after 210 and a picture on the 28th page after 210, which depict Somali children trying to feed a starving woman.  I originally chose the first picture because I liked how the bright yellow really stood out in contrast to the dark room.  I feel as if that this is almost symbolic to a bright burst of happiness in a dark time.  I also like how it showed a picture of people doing things that, as Americans, we ourselves often do.  Most of the other pictures that she took are not as relatable.  There is no war on American soil, and while there is hunger here, it is not something that is portrayed as often.  Because of this, we can sometimes almost distance ourselves from the issues that are happening around the world.  However, seeing pictures of people doing things that we have experienced ourselves makes it feel more real.  I chose the second picture because it made me think of hope.  This woman has just escaped a horrible drought and as you can see by the look on her face, she is exhausted.  These children, who do not know her at all, see her right after she crosses the boarder, and offer her food.

As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  Lyndsey Addario is a master at this.  She uses her photos to give us a more in depth understanding of what is really happening there.  While we are able to paint a picture in our minds through her thoughts and memories, having an actual photograph makes it seem more real.  Likewise, I think that perhaps if I add pictures of things from the dining halls, like the food or even of my friends having a good time, people reading it might be able to feel a deeper connecting to my blog as they do with Addario’s pictures.

How the United Nations used the Millenium Development Goals to improve the world

In the happiest place on Earth, there exists such a place which brings together cultures from all around the world, and places where people can discover new things that will teach them how to improve the future.  This place is called the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, or EPCOT.  EPCOT was created to teach others about the world and to inspire a new wonder at people’s pasts and futures and help the people of the world create a better one.  Similarly, the United Nations is an organization of 193 countries that come together to help create a better future by dealing with global issues such as human rights, poverty, education, health and the environment.

The United Nations was established on October 24, 1945, after the second World War as a way for nations to come together and discuss issues before war would break out.  This was a replacement for the League of Nations, which was put in place after the first World War.  While this league was proposed by President Woodrow Wilson with his 14 points, it was vetoed by the Senate, so the United States was not a part of it.  This obviously failed as World War II broke out, and afterword the United Nations was formed.  They continually worked and met together to help create a better future and resolve conflicts peacefully.

 In 2000 they established the Millennium Developmental Goals to improve the world further by the year 2015.  The Millennium Developmental Goals are made up of eight issues that the United Nations planned to improve upon by using a variety of methods.


The first bullet on their list was eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.  The United Nations defined this as “a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.  It depends not only on income but also on access to services”.

One of the big campaigns that they launched to achieve this goal is the Zero Hunger Challenge.  The Zero Hunger Challenge is an idea that will hopefully make sure that all poverty and hunger is abolished by 2030.  This will become more and more important as our population increases, and our food supply decreases due to global warming.  It is projected that we will need to increase our food production and supply by 50% to sustain our growing population.  However, because of global warming, our food supply is predicted to decrease by 25%.  By continuing to use the Zero Hunger Challenge, we will hopefully be able to reduce the amount of food we waste and increase the amount of food we can preserve.  The title Zero Hunger Challenge was smartly selected to get many countries on board.  It is a bold statement, claiming that they will eradicate all hunger.  No country can say that they do not want that.  By calling it a challenge, people feel the need to participate and prove that they themselves can stand up and complete the challenge.  When a country does comply, and exterminate hunger and poverty in their country, they are crowned with the term “Champions”.

The next item on the Millennium Development goals list was universal primary education.  The United Nations defined this as “ensuring that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling”.

Children who are more educated will be better prepared to combat all the issues that they will face in the world.  There are a lot of them, like poverty and terrible diseases, but by giving the children of the world an education, we can create a better generation that will help limit these problems.

One of the main things that the United Nations continues to do to gain support for this is the UNICEF coin collection.  Halloween is coming up, and you know that if you are getting trick-or-treaters, you will not only need to get candy to hand out, but coins as well for UNICEF boxes.  These boxes teach children that other children do not have the same opportunities that they do, and gives them a chance to learn and help others.  It also reminds parents that there are other children in the world that do not get the same chances as their child, and may inspire them to continue to help further.  We can see that this is becoming increasingly helpful.  While many people still do not have access to education, we can see that they are willing to fight for it.

One example of this was Malala Yousafzai, who stood up to the Taliban who were trying to stop her from getting an education.  Granted, she did end up getting hurt and having to leave the country, but it brought a new awareness to the issue to many people.

The third item on the Millennium Development goals list was gender equality and the empowerment of women.   Since its emplacement, two thirds of developing countries have gained almost gender equality in the number of children in schools.

One big win for gender equality has recently occurred in Saudi Arabia.  As of September 26, 2017, women in Saudi Arabia can now drive.  Before this, women would have to either have a family member drive them around, or hire a chauffeur.  Since that is a very expensive thing to do, it effectively stopped the less wealthy women of Saudi Arabia from moving around.  By allowing women to drive, they are being given not only their license but a symbolically their freedom.

As teenagers, we can relate to this as we also have recently gotten the chance to drive.  Before you got your license, you were dependent on others, but with it, the world is your oyster.

The next concern on the list is the reduction of child mortality.  Child mortality refers to the deaths of children under the age of 5.  This is not a new idea that the United Nations has propose; they’ve reduced the amount of child mortality by more than half since the year 1990.  However, that number is still too high, so the United Nations continually advocates the reduction of child mortality.  Child mortality is mainly caused by problems that occur from neo-natal complications and pneumonia.

One way that the United Nations is doing to raise awareness to this is the “Every Woman, Every Child” movement.  This movement brings light to the idea that women and children are pillars of society.  If they are sick, and unable to participate in society, then society cannot grow.  This alludes to the fact that children are the future, and without them there will not be one.

Maternal health is the next bullet on the list.  The United Nations defines maternal health as “the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.”

One organization that helps deal with maternal health around the globe is Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood accomplishes this goal by educating people about their health options.  Many people protest this organization because it offers abortions.  However, Planned Parenthood does many other things including pregnancy tests, prenatal care, STI screening and treatment, Pap Smears, breast scans and research.

Another maternal health issue that the United Nations is trying to combat is women who do not have access to care during birth attaining injuries, such as obstetric fistula, which, without medical care, can result in Chron’s disease, dehydration and kidney diseases and failure in the mother and possibly a stillborn baby.  While this is not as common in the United States, it is still very common in areas that may not be close enough to medical care.  To shed light upon this issue, the United Nations created a short video, in which a young woman talks about her experience with obstetric fistula.  Seeing her struggles strengthens the viewers emotions towards other young women in similar situations, hopefully compelling them to help and donate to the cause.

The combating of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases is the next thing on the Millennium Developmental Goals list.  Since this has been implemented, HIV/AIDS and Malaria deaths declined by 40% in women.

One of the ways that they are helping people in areas that do not have the time or money to go to hospitals or clinics is by bringing the clinics to them.  Mobile Clinics is something that the United Nations has created to allow people to be diagnosed.  Knowing whether you have the virus or not could potentially stop the spread of the disease.

Something that becomes increasingly relevant as time goes on is the need to ensure environmental sustainability.  Despite some government officials who would rather you believe otherwise, climate change is a real and scary issue.

The Paris Agreement is one of the main things that the United Nations implemented to combat this issue.  The Paris Agreement encourages its participants to come up with laws and goals to help decrease their emissions use.  This past summer the Trump administration announced that they would like to leave the Paris Agreement.  While this is not something that they will be able to do anytime soon, it will certainly become a hot topic in the next election.

Last on the Millennium Development Goals list is to develop a global partnership for development.  One component of this is a more open and non-discriminatory trade between countries.  This will help eradicate poverty in many countries.

Another part of this goal is addressing the needs of landlocked and developing countries.  Some of these needs may include things like debt relief and getting the internet to many areas.

The icons on the Millennium Development Goals logo are each very simplistic and recognizable.  The simplicity of them reminds us that these goals are not something that should be challenging to achieve, but are basic human rights.  The symbols are universal, making sure that no matter where you are from, you can recognize them.  The use of negative space really makes the images on the icons stand out, demonstrating that these are the main ideas that need to be focused on.

The first goal, the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, depicts a steaming bowl of soup.  There is this commonplace that when you are sick or feeling down, you eat soup.  By showing the bowl of soup, the observer remembers those times that they themselves felt bad, and is compelled to feel bad in turn for those without food and want to help them.

The second goal, achieving universal primary education, is presented as just a simple pencil.  With just a pencil, a person can take on the world.  The yellow/green background reminds people of the youthfulness of the next generation and their ability to make a difference.

The third goal icon depicts the Venus symbol, which usually stands for the female gender.  The background is a bright orange, which evokes optimistic feelings in the observer.

The fourth, child mortality, displays a small teddy-bear-like figure.  This creates an empathic emotion in the onlooker, as the use of a teddy-bear makes the child a person with likes and dislikes, as opposed to just a number.  The light blue color creates an almost blank slate type of feel.  This conjures up thoughts about all the new ideas and innovations that were lost as these children were not given the chance to live.

The fifth goal, the improvement of maternal health, displays a pregnant woman with a heart in her stomach.  The heart in her stomach demonstrates the bond between mother and child, as well as the love that the child will in turn bring into the world.  The pink background reminds the stirs up feelings of love, caring, and feminity.

The sixth goal, the combating of diseases such as Malaria and HIV/AIDS, shows a bottle with a cross on it.  This cross symbol is usually associated with things such as first aid and the Red Cross.  Both indicate a sense of urgency in the situation, which may make the observer feel as though they need to act fast to save people who are dying from these diseases.  The red background also influences the feelings of urgency and pain, as it may make them reminisce a time they were in pain.

The seventh goal, ensuring environmental sustainability, depicts a tree that almost also looks like a factory.  That, and the fact that it has a green background, tells the observer that green energy is the way to go.

The final goal, global partnership for development, displays a row of four people who are linked together.  This indicates that they are all working together to help each other, and that they all care about the well-being of the others.  Blue is also the color of trust, which is a very smart choice when you are talking about global partnership.  You need to be able to trust each other for any type of relationship to work, and the blue background on this icon helps stimulate this sentiment.

While the goals in the Millennium Development Goal list were not completely met, the United Nations was able to use many of these goals to help improve the world.

Works Cited:

“Climate Focus Client Brief on the Paris Agreement III .” 28 Dec. 2015.

“Sustainable Development Goals.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/.

Strickland, Ashley. “Planned Parenthood: Fast Facts and Revealing Numbers.” CNN, Cable News Network, 1 Aug. 2017, www.cnn.com/2015/08/04/health/planned-parenthood-by-the-numbers/index.html.


By Kjerish – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53986556

Type: Blog post

Audience: the students in class


RCL #6 It’s What I do

One conflict that Lyndsey Addario addresses in her book “It’s What I do is” is that she is making money off of those whom she is photographing’s misery.  She addresses this issue by saying;

“I was conflicted about making money from images of people who were so desperate, but I thought of all the years I had struggled to make ends meet to be a photographer, and I knew that any money I made from these photos would be invested right back into my work.  Trying to convey beauty in war was a technique to try to prevent the reader from looking away or turning the page in response to something horrible. I wanted them to linger, to ask questions”

With this passage Addario describes what she feels conflicted about, but also talks about her reasoning for dismissing her guilt.  She knew that she would be profiting from these people’s pain, but she relates it to all of her hard work that it took to get to this point, and how she would use the money to bring more people’s attentions to the struggles of people during wartime.  I think Addario does this not only as a justification, but also as a way to make the reader feel more connected.  We’ve all gone through some sort of struggle which has driven us to where we are today.  Hopefully we can use this struggle in order to help others, like Addario is trying to do by capturing something so horrifically beautiful.

While not as dramatic as Addario’s conflict, I have never been so far away from home for an extended period of time without knowing many people.  I know that this is a common thing for many new students, and I hope to be able to give them a sense of ease while reading my blog by letting them know where they can go to get the best meals.

rhetorical analysis rough draft


In the happiest place on Earth, there is such a place which brings together cultures from all around the world, and where people can discover new things that will teach them how to improve the future.  This place is called the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, or EPCOT.  EPCOT was created to teach others about the world and to inspire a new wonder at people’s pasts and futures and help the people of the world create a better one.  Similarly, the United Nations is an organization of 193 countries that come together to help create a better future by dealing with global issues such as human rights, poverty, education, health and the environment.

History:( maybe add this into intro?)


The United Nations was established on October 24, 1945, after the second World War as a way for nations to come together and discuss issues before war would break out.  This was a replacement for the League of Nations, which was put in place after the first World War.  While this league was proposed by President Woodrow Wilson with is 14 points, it was vetoed by the Senate? (HoR), so the United States was not actually a part of it.  This obviously failed as World War II broke out, and afterword the United Nations was formed.  They continually worked and met together to help create a better future and resolve conflicts peacefully.  In 2015 they established the millennium developmental goals to improve the world further.



To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

·         UN calls this a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to services

·         What are they doing to achieve this?

·         How is it working?


To achieve universal primary education

·         UN defines this as “ensuring that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling

·         More educated= better prepared to combat the issues faced in the world

o   Basically, eradicate things like poverty and terrible diseases and such

·         What are they doing to achieve this

·         How is it working

·         Maybe talk about Malala or something idk


To promote gender equality and empower women

·         Equal access to opportunities for both genders

·         Women can now drive


·         (Should I make these all one thing under health)


o   To reduce child mortality

§  What is child mortality

§  What causes it

§  How is the UN fixing this

§  Are they successful so far

o   To improve maternal health

§  Planned parenthood?

§  Poverty

§  What are they doing

o   To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

o   How are they trying to fix this


To ensure environmental sustainability

·         Global warming

·         Talk about leaving the Paris agreement

To develop a global partnership for development

·         Like trading and how to address specific problems for each problem

Maybe talk about how they thought about leaving the UN(not sure if this is even still on the table but look more into this)