Completion of My Certificate!

Hi guys!    I hope everyone had a great week! I myself had a very productive week. Since my last passion blog I have completed my certification in responsive web design and have become proficient in CSS and HTML/HTML5. I highly recommend the course on freeCodecamp as it was very in depth and helpful in […]

Getting My Certification!

Hi everybody!    I am excited to tell all of you that I took my first steps to becoming a programmer! This past week I began the process of getting my 300 hour Responsive Web Design Certification on freeCodeCamp. I learned the basics of HTML, HTML5, CSS and Applied Visual Design. All of these tools […]

Was it Just a Music Video?

Audience  Is the video meant for solely entertainment or does she have a deeper meaning behind the video for herself and her fans? Do we need to have seen Victorious or is this not critical to the video?  Do we need to understand her past relationships?  Do we need to know which relationships ended badly […]

Introduction to Coding

For the past six months, classes, meetings, family events, and hangouts with friends have all come from a computer screen. Everyone, regardless of where they are or who they are, is experiencing an increased need for technology in order to succeed in the new world.  With this need to use technology comes a need to […]

Happy Birthday to You

In almost every culture, birthdays are marked by a day of celebration and festivities. In the United States specifically there is typically a huge party for the birthday boy or girl where family and friends celebrate the life of their loved one. However, there is an expectation in American culture and a set of commonplaces […]