Getting My Certification!

Hi everybody! 


I am excited to tell all of you that I took my first steps to becoming a programmer! This past week I began the process of getting my 300 hour Responsive Web Design Certification on freeCodeCamp. I learned the basics of HTML, HTML5, CSS and Applied Visual Design. All of these tools will form the base of my coding in the future. 


HTML and HTML5 are two different versions of one “language” in coding. I put quotes around language because HTML and HTML5 are not necessarily considered coding languages. These two are more thought of as the skeleton to every coding project. They create structure to the code you are writing by organizing the text into sections such as <header>, <body> and <footer> which are the top, middle and bottom of a web page. These languages also help screen readers better understand your page as it is structured with the correct information in the correct sections. 

CSS on the other hand adds style to the HTML elements that you create. This allows you to color the text in the HTML elements, move the blocks of HTML around the page and color the background of these blocks. This type of code mainly functions to make the page easier to read structurally and more aesthetically pleasing to look at. By learning CSS you can take a simple black and white website that reads straight down and give it sections and colors that make it actually look like a professional website. 

After learning these two, I learned the basics of Applied Visual Design which helps screen readers to process my page for people who are visually impaired. This is not 100% necessary when making professional projects, but can be helpful in making such projects accessible to a wider range of viewers. 


These basics that i started with have been extremely helpful in giving myself a foundation in coding which will now allow me to explore other legitimate languages and coding programs. I am excited to continue sharing my progress with you guys and hope you guys are beginning to see the path you need to take to become a programmer!


2 thoughts on “Getting My Certification!

  1. First off, congratulations on beginning the long journey to your certification! I have always been so intrigued by the concept of programming, and even almost majored in computer science. I think the whole concept of programming languages is so interesting and it makes programming feel like its own culture or it own world. I have done lots of research and done some work with programming as an introduction to it, but know very little about the topic. I think that reading your posts is going to be incredibly interesting and I can’t wait to see what you do next in your journey. Your blog is definitely a unique topic and it’s going to so amazing to be able to scroll back though these by the end of the year and track and reflect on all of the progress you’ve made. Good luck!!

  2. Wow man, congrats. This should be a great step in the right direction if you want to continue programming in the future. Computer Programming really isn’t for me but I know it’s pretty repetitive. The 300 hour certification might take a long time but you seem to be dedicated so go for it. Even though I don’t find the topic interesting, I could see how people do see it as interesting. You can create your own code and have it reply with the result you want. Computer programming is also very important today because writing code is becoming more useful with the newer technology we have today. Good luck

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