Algorithm Scripting Challenges

Hi everybody! 


I hope everyone is enjoying their school work and has found success in their classes thus far! This was a fairly productive last couple weeks of programming for me. 

I am still working on the JavaScript Certification, as it is a 300 hour certification. I am currently in the second half of the certification and the difficulty of the coding has increased ten-fold. Over the past several weeks I have learned to code in JavaScript using ES6, regular expressions, debugging, basic data structures, basic algorithm scripting, object oriented programming, and functional programming. However, in between the last blog post and this one, I have mostly been focused on algorithm scripting, object oriented programming and functional programming. The certification I am completing is heavily focused on algorithm scripting as this is the way that you sort through data. 

Algorithm scripting is basically a way of creating a function that takes a variety of inputs and gives a variety of outputs. It’s like a function in math except it can take in a lot of different types of data, such as arrays, strings, numbers and so on. As I stated above, these functions can be really useful when searching through large amounts of data, especially since the functions can take almost any kind of data. 

The part of the class that I am in now is having me solve 22 intermediate algorithm scripting problems and 5 high level algorithm scripting problems that will incorporate information from the other lessons that I have completed. These problems will probably take me at least a day each to complete, but possibly more as they are extremely detailed. For each function I create, freeCodeCamp will test a ton of different inputs on my code to see how full proof my solution is. 

Creating this type of code and having to create solutions to problems that freeCodeCamp gives me is my first introduction to what case competitions and technical interviews look like for programming. I am excited to get this exposure so early on in my journey and am excited to (hopefully) share my success in solving some of these more technical problems with all of you.



2 thoughts on “Algorithm Scripting Challenges

  1. I know absolutely nothing about coding, so this was interesting to read. I always thought coding was extremely complicated and even though I still do, I understand more of it now after reading your blog. The picture you used of the input and output was also extremely helpful. I like math so it made a lot of sense. I also think it is crazy that it takes 300 hours for the Javascript certification, and it seems so hard, but I am guessing that is also what makes it fun. You seem to be working so hard, and I really admire that.

  2. I really commend you for learning how to code; I have no idea how to do it. This is a very interesting blog. I cannot believe you are taking a three-hundred hour course that teaches you how to code. I really enjoyed how you put picture within your blog to help us get an idea of what you are doing. I have two questions: what is the outcome of coding, and what are you going to do with your knowledge of knowing how to code? I will have to look back at past blogs, and I will have to read your future blogs to find out! Good luck!

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