Certification Completed!!! :)

Hi everybody!

I hope you guys are all doing well! I know this has been an incredibly stressful week and I hope you are all taking time out of your day to be kind to yourself and relax! 

It has been a very productive week for me in terms of school work and programming. This week I finally finished my JavaScript certification so I can now consider myself proficient in my first coding language! I am extremely excited about this and cannot wait to continue learning JavaScript and to continue getting better at utilizing it. 


After I finished this certification I started on the next steps of my journey. Over the course of the last couple of nights I have been working to set up a coding environment on my computer and have begun to familiarize myself with React, which is a web framework for coding with JavaScript and for creating UI components. React uses a type of code called JSX, which is a combination of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that I already know, however there are a few slight differences that I will have to continue to familiarize myself with.

How to better organize your React applications? | by Alexis Mangin | Medium

The reason I have been spending so much time this week familiarizing myself with React and setting up my environment on my computer is because I want to start working on my own projects. My first project will probably be a portfolio page for myself as this is something I have always wanted to have. I think by working on a project I will become more and more comfortable with programming and will begin to understand its use a little better. 

porfolio folder with plant and pen

In addition to setting up my environment and trying to start my own project, I have also been searching for more online classes to take and books to read that will allow me to dive deeper into the world of computer science. So far I have been mainly focused on the coding aspect of computer science however I know there is so much more that goes into being a computer scientist then just coding. If any of you have any suggestions for books, classes, videos or podcasts on this topic feel free to reach out!


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