Farewell RCL!

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great end to the semester and that preparations for finals are going well.

It has been an incredible year of blogging and of RCL and I am so happy I got to have this experience. Through blogging I was able to find one of my actual passions in life and have committed to a major involving this passion. Through my projects and the assignments I learned the importance of civil discourse and rhetoric in everyday life. While learning all of this and participating in this class, I also had an amazing experience with incredible classmates and a fantastic professor. I have met some awesome friends and have completed some extremely interesting, fun and eye opening projects. I want to thank each of you for being a part of this journey and I want to thank Meg for making this an incredible year!

Farewell for now and I hope to see all of you (hopefully in person) in the near future!

Sad goodbye Memesgoodbye : GCSE


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