Blog Reflection 2

How well do you feel you work with other people? 

Summing up how I show up:  When I came to my new team a year ago I knew creating a strong foundation would be important as I am both curious and of action.  During our first staff I introduced myself and spent a few minutes sharing what I thought would be helpful. No one asked any questions which wasn’t a surprise.  I then asked if the team members would be open to 1:1 interviews so that I could get to know them and learn more about their perspective on our work.  I shared  the questions, and sought input.  I told them that I’d bring back any themes that emerged from our conversations without revealing any confidential information to a future staff meeting. I think it’s important to create foundations, learn from each other, have fun, make “things” better and jump off the big diving board into something yet to be defined.

Describe how you interact with others. For example, are you timid or shy? Outgoing?

If I only had one word to describe how I interact with others it would be “collaborative.” Describing my style of collaboration I would use the a “vivacious.”  I am a vivacious collaborator always seeking ways to partner and “make things happen.”  Even though I have good intentions, I also know that this style may make others uncomfortable until they better know and trust me.

If someone asked your friends about you, what would they say about your personal strengths and areas for improvement? Why would they say what they say?

Friends would say my personal strengths include:  energy, in action, decisive, friendly, great cook and non-judgmental.  Areas for improvement would be taking too much on at one time, giving more 1:1 time instead of group activities, and  being better with my time commitments.

I do my best to be authentically me living the same values each day.  I have wide groups of friends from multiple areas of my life that i stay in touch with and are mostly kept segregated e.g., ukelele ladies music group, spiritual book circle, hiking / outdoor friends, neighborhood community families and friends, school families, work groups (from different places I consulted, worked and currently work), immediate family (Tim and I have one son age 14.  Tim has an older son age 29 whom is married and has a 1.5 year old.  I have 5 siblings and my husband has 6 siblings and there is a lot of family in our life), as well as groups from the different states I lived in.

My friends have continued to ebb and flow to proximity of individuals and groups of individuals during certain times of my life.  I’ve mostly added to the cadre with very few people leaving.  This adds much richness to my life and at times its a struggle of time and boundaries which often come from under estimating time.

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