Reflection #7: Overall Learning

At the beginning of the semester I questioned whether I have ever experienced the goal of change which is to  improve my organization and my workplace by altering how work is done and/or possibly positively disrupting how my work is done so that we, the organization can reach a positive outcome.  During my four month journey I’ve come to better understand and learn about the foundations of OD.

Multiple times I wrote notes in the column of my text book and included a post-it note for quick reference because I knew I could use this idea in my workplace.   Some of the ideas included:

  • Competencies for success (at work) and how to create a conceptual framework.  After reviewing the steps and examples I quickly saw gaps in my own.
  • Many resources and links that I want to follow up personally, professionally and ones to shae with my self-employed husband on National Trade and Professional Associations so that he could seek additional work.  He is a graphic facilitator []
  • Levels of evaluation.  This is an area that I also see gaps at work.  We spend much more time planning and doing and do not spend enough time in the results, return and then next phase of necessary intervention.
  • Change management performance and looking at how much value was received from the initiative / intervention organizationally, individually and overall performance of change management.
  • Coaching teams for behavioral change:  this is a big part of my current work.  There are multiple pages with notes and a big handwritten star.
  • Again in the team category, examining the team leader & creating a safe space for others to innovate is an area I can put into immediate action.
  • Whole System Strategic Planning and the planning process agenda reminding me to look at the whole system and in breaking it down following a process

This is the first online class I have taken.  I did my masters in a cohort group of 17 that met three days a month for classes and partnered in person for all group work. Although being in different time zones, even just 1 – 3 hours different while working long and very full days proved trying.  In the end I learned and am learning  a lot from my group.  I often take the lead when I am part of a group and with missing the first case study found myself in a group that had started to figure out how to partner.  I decided I would integrate and be a good team member.  Everyone is highly competent and respectful.  I am grateful that they understand APA which created a roadblock of time for me during the assignments.  I now have a much better feel for APA and partnering at this level.  Timing of my own  availability continues to be my challenge with the group and homework in general.

I enjoyed Bill’s summaries at the end of each lesson which helped me pull the information together and/or repeated concepts allowing me to further absorb the content.  I am a people person, so having a visual was really helpful.  Unfortunately the extra credit webinars took place during my work day and I do not have a web camera, they are not allowed so I watched the screen and listened in to three of them.   FYI…the last two video summaries show errors (for me) and would not play so I read the transcripts.  There were a couple other videos that wouldn’t play  that I also read the transcripts. I also found it confusing at times to understand if we were doing work in a group or solo.  It would be helpful for first timers entering the program or individuals with ESL, to fully spell out on each assignment: independent assignment or team assignment.

I am ending this course, feeling full of ideas and concepts.  I will continue to digest, use and integrate my learning.  After taking the summer off I look forward to my next class in the certificate program.

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