Lesson 3: How Could Kotter’s Model be Helpful to OD Practitioners

Kotter’s eight-step organizational change model can be helpful to OD practitioners in making a change initiative successful because initiating and implementing change at the organizational level is a difficult and complex task and often met with resistance.  According to Dr. Kotter, approximately 70% of all major change efforts in organizations fail. After listening to our assigned video to learn about the model, four of the steps in Kotter’s eight-step model really stand out and are listed below along with my comments in parenthesis.

  1. developing a vision and strategy (creates an emotional sense of “why” and connection with all involved, we have a common outcome and can understand what it takes to get there)
  2. communicating the change vision (employees want to understand what is happening and if it is affecting them, it breaks down the fear of not knowing and helps all understand how they can contribute)
  3. empowering employees for broad-based action (change doesn’t happen on it’s own or only from the top down, engaging and empowering employees is what will help garner more commitment and energy)
  4. generating short-term wins (as humans we often have a need to feel like we are making a difference, short-term wins helps us visualize what is working and build upon it)

Utilizing a model will help ensure that the process I follow as an OD practitioner is valid and integrates the necessary steps for success.  When I listened to what Kotter lists 10 contributing factors when determining why change management efforts have failed. A few that stand out are:

  1. lacking a plan to guide the change
  2. failure to define a clear rationale for change
  3. ignoring the organization’s culture
  4. haphazard or inconsistent communication during the change process

What this says to me is that the OD practitioners and/or leaders of change were not following a model for change and or were trying to create change from the top down without including the larger picture.  Knowing there is and can be such a high level of failure in change serves as a reminder to “follow the process” and create strong sponsorship and relationships.




Lesson 3, Kotter’s 8 Step Model retrieved from: https://psu.instructure.com/courses/1903072/modules/items/25005585

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