Lesson 13: Feedback Report Learning

  • What challenges have you experienced developing the feedback report in three different forms?
  • What skills do you need to further develop to expedite the process?

Wowza!  not sure that is how most would start a class blog reflection and THAT is exactly how I feel.  It took energy and effort to be able to focus and pull the information together.  I think what complicated it for me is that my CSO is at my workplace and I have a lot vested in successful change.

I noticed that I was making it very complex. I started working on the PPT presentation a couple weeks ago and was feeling stuck when it came to flow.  It is helpful that both Rob who tend to be more simple in his responses and Lyndee who tends to be more complex were the first two that completed the homework assignments. After reviewing, I then completed both the feedback letter and outward facing employee blog / poster.  These two pieces helped me clarify another draft of what would be in the PPT presentation.

Tonight I spent quite a bit of time reviewing others’ work.  I never cease to be amazed at all of the diversity of talent thought process around each individuals work and outcomes.  It was fun, and unfortunately it also became a vortex of time which continues to be a premium since my 85 year old mom moved to be closer to me.

To further expedite the process, next time I will have this experience under my belt.  I also saved multiple presentations, letters and action plans after I reviewed them.  Since I am a visual learner it helps for me to see others works, which then stimulates my own thinking.  when I don’t have an example I spent significant amounts of time without much outcome.

I am looking forward to sharing what I did with my team at work this week and using it with my client in December.  My guess is that I will refine the look so that there are more notes and less content.

It’s been a great experience!

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