Lesson 1: Change in Organizational Settings

  • How do you feel about change in organizational settings?
  • Why do you feel that way?

Change is constant and necessary to remain both relevant and competitive in the workplace.   Our  lesson 1 overview contained multiple quotes.  I included this one by  Lewis Carroll in my course blog introduction, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” It reminds me of a similar quote I previously used at speaking events and with clients to help them get connected to the importance of a vision / visual outcome image as an anchor point.  Once we know where we want to go, then it’s the decision to commit to the journey.

The epitome of how I feel about change and see successful change happened four years ago while working with multiple executive  teams and their leaders that were being integrated from start up into one sustaining program that included a legacy program.  I don’t know where the cartoon came from, and the Senior VP loved it.  It is a cartoon that had two frames both showing a leader at a podium and a small audience.  The first frame showed the leader stating, “Who wants change?” with everyone in the small crowd having hands raised.  The second frame showed the leader stating, “who will change?” and the crowd looking away from the leader, at the floor, around and their hands in their pockets.

Of course the executive leaders LOVED this cartoon and wanted PPT copies to use with their own teams. There was also much discussion over the year I (and the team I participated) partnered with them, but in the long run the second frame of the cartoon is what rang true for many.  The questions I find myself asking is, why and how could we have approached, supported and sustained it differently?   I have some good understanding, and this is not the venue, rather, my actions and reactions to this type of situation feels like Bill Murray’s movie Groundhog’s day; and the continued hopes that I can participate more often in the 30% of change efforts that are successful.

Change will happen, and it’s always in motion because in order to either create or have more of what we want or need change.   Albeit, as stated earlier it is not an easy journey.   As a whole all of us, even myself both consciously and/or unconsciously resist change even when we know it will help.

Although I wish we had a fool proof method here isn’t one easy answer.  My own belief is that if I can better partner with the stakeholders (and have the right people in the room) and integrate an ongoing communication plan that allows for feedback that is incorporated, the better the success rate.

I am looking forward to participating in my third course, learning new concepts and from others, meeting others on the journey and finding satisfaction as I am able to continue to incorporate into my current work.

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