Blog Reflection 1 – Dr Mannie Sher

Many ideas stood out to me as I watched Dr. Sher’s video.  Afterwards I noticed that many of my notes focused upon areas that have connection to what’s most relevant to me within my current work.  There are many great nuggets. Understand the unspoken assumptions that influence the group. Recognize there may be fear, your…

Reflection #5 – Strengths

I’ve spent the past few days at a 700 person company Global Diversity and Inclusion Summit which has created the space to really think about how I show up, as well as how am I  perceived by others. I’ve been able to connect with nine people I know during this time, have sat at multiple tables…

Blog Reflection 3

What work do you hope to do with OD? What  career goals, if any, do you have for OD? I specifically took this course which is part of a larger certificate program because although I’m very busy I feel a bit intellectually stagnant in my work.  Having more knowledge will help me move forward and…

Blog Reflection 2

How well do you feel you work with other people?  Summing up how I show up:  When I came to my new team a year ago I knew creating a strong foundation would be important as I am both curious and of action.  During our first staff I introduced myself and spent a few minutes…

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