RCL Essay Introduction

Good health and well-being can easily slip one’s mind, causing them to become prone to bad habits. That, along with the ever-changing society we live in, are the reasons why these attributes should hold a higher priority in all people’s daily lives. As symbols of this goal, two distinct objects that come to mind are the Apple Watch and MyPlate. The Apple Watch, a modern wearable technology, has an impressive range of health-centric features that allow individuals to monitor and enhance their physical well-being. On the other hand, there is MyPlate, a visual representation of balanced nutrition crafted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which serves as a guide for generations in their search for healthier eating habits. Although the Apple Watch and MyPlate may initially seem to inhabit different target areas of health, they share captivating appeals in the recognition that overall good health and well-being are the foundations of an individual’s overall satisfying and healthy life. Through comparative analysis, the ways in which these artifacts make their own appeals will be explored. Lenses of ethos and visual rhetoric are used in these appeals, as these artifacts also share characteristics and distinct qualities that underscore the importance of health and well-being in people’s lives, whether by modern cutting-edge technology or by timeless dietary guides.

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