The transition from high school to college is a transformative period in a student’s life. The newfound independence, coupled with a rigorous academic workload and social pressures can lead to high stress levels and mental health challenges. Mental health challenges among college students have become a rising concern in recent years. Many students struggle with issues that range from academic pressures to social and personal issues, leading to a significant impact on their mental well-being. Unfortunately, with mental health being an issue so prevalent in society today, students often dismiss or feel uncomfortable discussing their struggles openly. This essay delves into the reasons why mental health is important to be discussed despite the stigma, fear of judgment, and knowing of available resources and the importance of creating a more inclusive and supportive environment within universities, especially at Penn State.
The chart above is from the Penn State 2023 Annual Report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health. Within the chart, we see rates of mental health-related issues that Penn State students reported that they had as of last year and all of these rates have risen each year since 2010 when this report first was administered. While the 2023 rates may not have been the highest point they are still close to that high percentile and according to the trend pattern, those numbers will only increase. Action needs to be made and Penn State’s contributing to rid of the stigma, fear of judgment, and lack of knowledge of resources that students have is a step in the right direction.
The significant barrier to open discussions about mental health is the notorious stigma that is associated with it. The stigma being the fear of being labeled as ‘weak’ or ‘incapable’ is a mindset that often turns students away from seeking help or even acknowledging their struggles. This stigma can be seen and related to life in campus culture, creating an environment where mental health concerns are viewed as a sign of personal failure rather than a common aspect of a human experience. In order for students to feel comfortable in speaking on their mental health and seeking help, the idea of this “stigma” needs to be brought to an end. To address the stigma surrounding mental health, colleges and universities should implement inclusive awareness campaigns. These campaigns should aim to normalize conversations about mental health, emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. By fostering an environment that encourages open discussions, students will be more likely to reach out for support when facing mental health challenges.
The second barrier to open discussions about mental health is fear of judgment. College campuses, including Penn State, are full of diverse individuals with varying backgrounds and experiences. Unfortunately, this diversity can sometimes lead to judgment and misunderstanding. Students may fear that disclosing their mental health challenges will result in negative perceptions from peers, professors, or even family members. This fear of judgment further sustains the culture of silence surrounding mental health issues. Recognizing the challenges faced by college students in addressing mental health issues, universities should take active measures to foster inclusive and supportive environments. Peer support networks can play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment. Such as implementing mentorship programs, where experienced students guide newcomers; this can provide a valuable avenue for students sharing experiences and advice related to mental health. Peer-led support groups and initiatives can help break down barriers and create a sense of community, making it easier for students to open up about their struggles.
One of the critical components of creating a supportive environment is ensuring that counseling and support services are readily accessible and well-promoted. Which leads to the third barrier to open discussions about mental health being the lack of awareness students many have on mental health resources.. Many students may not recognize the signs of mental health issues within themselves or their peers. Additionally, they might be unaware of the available support systems on campus, which is further limiting their ability to seek help when they need it. Addressing this lack of awareness is crucial in creating an environment where students feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns openly. To create a step towards solving this lack of awareness and understanding, universities should prioritize mental health education programs. These programs should be integrated into the curriculum, ensuring that all students receive information about mental health, its common challenges, and available resources. Penn State, as a leading institution, can set an example by incorporating mental health education into various courses and orientation programs. At the end of every class syllabus the mental health awareness is noted yet more teachers should take time to mention it in class rather than only mention what is expected for their workload. Additionally, Faculty and staff members can possibly receive training on recognizing signs of mental health issues and responding appropriately. This training can allow them to offer support, direct students to available resources, and contribute to the overall campus culture of empathy and understanding. Furthermore, in the future, Penn State could invest in expanding its mental health services because while all students may not know or reach out to the mental health service center some students do. However, with such a large campus it is not always available right away to everyone, the Penn State Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) acknowledges there being an increased demand for their services, which is leading to longer wait times for appointments. Students tend to not want to wait so instead dismiss their health issues in terms of seeking help.
In conclusion, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for mental health on college campuses, such as Penn State is very important. By addressing the stigma, fear of judgment, and lack of awareness surrounding mental health, universities can create spaces where students feel comfortable speaking out about their struggles. Actions such as awareness campaigns, educational programs, expanded counseling services, and peer support networks are vital steps in building a culture that prioritizes mental well-being. As institutions of higher learning, universities have the responsibility to not only educate students academically but also nurture their development of things such as mental health. Penn State, with its high university status, has the potential to set an example for other institutions by prioritizing the mental well-being of its students and fostering an environment where seeking help is not only accepted but encouraged.
Great first Civic Issue entry! Very good organization of the paragraphs, it made it very easy to follow along with the content. I liked that you included a graph, as well as strong statistics. Make sure to re-reead just because I saw a typo, but no worries! Great job 🙂