The Art of Rock Paper Scissors

We have all met a vile defeat to a rock paper scissors game. Perhaps our reputation as champion was ruined, or maybe a tie that you worked so hard for is now a loss because those stupid scissors cut through your paper. As you wallow in defeat over the little hand gesture that crushed your Read More…

The Art of Being Baby Groot

I am proud to admit it. I am a Marvel fan. Sorry DC. Marvel is just better. What I love about Marvel is that each movie is a part of an intricate plot, but they still each have their unique mix of action and humor. One of my favorite fight scenes is at the beginning Read More…

The Art of the Tango

I love watching partner dances. Whether that be salsa dances, tangos, or ballroom dancing, it is remarkable how two people can perfectly complement each other. What I especially enjoy about tangos is just how precisely each participant must move so that the two separate parts can mesh together in time with the music. Each person Read More…

The Art of the Twist

Have you even seen a dancer or gymnast perform and watch their bodies move in ways that seem unimaginable to the human body? I have always been in awe of these people with the way they control and contort their bodies to create a stunning routine. Though I completely failed gymnastics as a child, I Read More…

The Art of Playing the Game

“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die,” a six-fingered Spaniard cries before leaping into an intense sword fight. As this famous character from The Princess Bride is able to battle his way through the movie, he demonstrates a lot of techniques and tricks that he uses against his opponents. Watch Read More…

The Art of Improv

Have you ever pondered how, after you eat Sour Patch Kids, you can say that you’ve “eaten children?” I mean, you ate a Sour Patch Kid or “child” and saying so is certainly one way to get involved in a murder case. Either way, this thought did not cross my mind until I listened to Read More…

The Art of Moving Your Body

Watching a dancer perform, you can see every movement accentuated by the synchronized beat. Depending on the style, there might be fluid sweeps of the arm or beat heavy stomps on stage. But what really makes a dancer shine on stage? Of course, there’s the music, the lighting, and the choreography. However, those are nothing Read More…

The Art of Singing

Listen to an acapella group sing in perfect harmony: the baritone setting a deep, resonating foundation, the tenor and alto voices weaving and shifting in between, and the soprano soaring above them. Each hitting the perfect pitch at just the right moment to weave a melody into the air. So, what does singing have to Read More…

The Art of Running Away

As I have ventured the dark, haunting pathways of a nighttime campus, I have realized the importance of feeling safe while in college. While we hope that we are safe, the reality is that we don’t know when a dangerous situation is thrust upon us. Despite all the pepper spray, despite the groups we travel Read More…