The Art of Being Baby Groot

I am proud to admit it. I am a Marvel fan. Sorry DC. Marvel is just better. What I love about Marvel is that each movie is a part of an intricate plot, but they still each have their unique mix of action and humor.

One of my favorite fight scenes is at the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I love the vibes in this scene. “Mr. Blue Sky” is playing with an adorable baby Groot dancing along, oblivious to the chaos and fighting going on in the background. Of course, each character also adds to the comedy in their own unique way. While the music and comedy are quite enjoyable, it also sets up the introduction for the rest of the movie. Here’s the clip I’m referring to. Feel free to watch if you haven’t seen it or just want to enjoy more quality baby Groot time.

Again, you may be wondering what this has to do with self-defense. I am going to be completely honest with you on this one. It was entirely an excuse to rewatch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and see more of baby Groot. However, we can pull some useful tips from this movie as well.

Lesson #8: Be baby Groot

  1. He is adorable. That’s it.
  2. Be calm. In the opening scene, Groot’s just jamming to some good tunes. I know that in any stressful situation, the tendency is to tense up and frantically try to find a way to escape. Just relax. People tend to think more clearly when they are able to calmly assess the situation and respond.
  3. Be resourceful. At one point in the movie, Yondu and Rocket are locked away, and Groot is tasked with finding Yondu’s arrow in order to help them escape. However, it takes him a few tries. Instead, he brings back some guys eye, a badge, and even a desk. But those couldn’t have been easy to grab. I mean, you really have to be sneaky to grab someone’s prosthetic eye, and for a little guy like him, dragging a whole desk is hard. So be resourceful like Groot. If you are in a dangerous situation, you might have to improvise a weapon or use something around you as a shield or means of escape. The more creative you are, the less any attacker would be prepared to handle it.
  4. Use your unique strengths. At the end of the movie, they are trying to blow up Ego’s brain, but it is encased in this thick shell with only small tunnels to get to the center. Who can fit there? Baby Groot! Since he was the smallest of the group, he could easily run through the tiny tunnels. Everyone has their own unique traits. Perhaps you are good at talking and distractions. Or maybe you can throw really well and use it to attack. All these can be used in self-defense in unexpected ways. Maybe don’t mix up the detonation button like Groot almost did. That would be bad.

Well, thanks for making it this far through my baby Groot rant. I hope you learned a few new ways of thinking about self defense and how Groot is hands down the best character ever.

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