The Art of Rock Paper Scissors

We have all met a vile defeat to a rock paper scissors game. Perhaps our reputation as champion was ruined, or maybe a tie that you worked so hard for is now a loss because those stupid scissors cut through your paper.

As you wallow in defeat over the little hand gesture that crushed your dreams, there are three undeniable facts about the game. Rock crushes scissors. Scissors cut paper. Paper covers rock. This idea of one object having complete victory over the other really only applies to games. In real life, there are many more factors that can be applied. But we can use this simple game and learn that some things are intrinsically stronger than others, despite our best efforts.

I thought of this concept when I found a surprising fact. Even the Samurai, masters of traditional weaponry and self-defense, readily switched to guns when they were first introduced (Strusiewicz). They fully knew that guns had the advantage against swords and were much easier to train people to use and operate. So, if even the Samurai bow to guns and empty hand fighters bow to weapons, then it is evident how to gain the advantage. I am in no way endorsing using guns or weapons for violence, but in the firearm saturated society we live in, it is helpful to be aware of them.

Lesson #10: Being at a disadvantage

In a fight, there are so many things to consider, both for yourself and the attacker, such as size, experience, positioning, and reaction time. But what makes having the advantage evident is the presence of external factors. Specifically, weapons. Just as in our rock paper scissors game, weapons beat an empty hand by tipping the scales drastically in their favor, even for the most experienced fighters.

No matter your skill, it is never wise to go into a fight with weapons. There is a saying that “winners bleed and losers gush,” meaning that no matter if you win or lose, you end up hurt. While there are self-defense techniques against weapons, head-on fighting will usually put you at a disadvantage. The same goes for going against a gun that has the range and ability to kill instantly.

If they are simply demanding your wallet and nothing harmful, give in to their demands and call the police after. The other option is attempting to distract them, escape, and try to find help. One of the important things to remember is to keep your distance from the weapon. However, remember that a bullet will travel much faster than you can react, so if a gun is pointed straight at you, then running may not be the best option.

If you absolutely have to go defend yourself directly, there are a few techniques such as arm locks and disarming moves that can help. Watch the video below to learn more if you are interested. I hope this gave you something to consider and that you will never have to use these tips in real life.

Strusiewicz, C. J. (2021, September 8). How the Samurai took up the gun and never let go. Tokyo Weekender. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

2 thoughts on “The Art of Rock Paper Scissors

  1. I’m very impressed of all your passion blogs. It gives me an insight into many things that I haven’t known much a lot. Additionally, I love the ways that you explain in depth about it

  2. Again, wonderful metaphors for your actual topic, and great addition to the blog with the inclusion of a video. Good luck with your finals!

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