
Let’s face it. As college students, we are exposed to the topic of alcohol even before we step on campus. It just goes to show how big of a thing it is in college. Whether it was the educational courses mandated to be completed before the start of the first semester, or the supplementary classes during the first week to further improve education, we were prepared for its large influence on the college experience. However, the fact that Penn State has all of these educational and preparational courses for freshman students shows that they know the large role of alcohol on campus, but instead of removing it, they have decided to better educate in an effort to keep students safe. While some people may look at this as dangerous because it does not prohibit the use of alcohol, I would argue that it is actually better and safer, making students healthier in the process.

The latest attempt from the booze wowsers — Adam Smith Institute

Why do I think this? Well, unless you are always making a concerted effort to avoid seeing or touching alcohol in your life, then you will experience it at some point. Whether that is in college or afterward at an office Christmas party. And by no means do you ever have to drink it, but the fact o the matter is that many people do. So, is it better for a college to deprive people of alcohol experience, where they can learn limits and its effects, and let them figure this out later in life? Or, is it better for college to educate students on the dangers of alcohol so they are knowledgeable and prepared? And yes, I know, college students typically act like fools when they are under the influence, but in reality, it is going to happen whether the school likes it or not, so they might as well make the students informed.


This plays into health because the more informed you are, the safer you will be when drinking. Alcohol, when consumed irresponsibly, is certainly bad for your health. It makes you hungover and tired, adds extra calories into your diet, and makes your body have a harder time healing. So, while yes you may go a little crazy with it sometimes, keep in mind alcohol’s effects on the body if you are really devoted to your health.


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