Humatarian Award

After winning the People’s Choice Humanitarian Award, Ellen Degeneres gave a powerful speech (5:30). Ellen utilized many effective speech strategies that allowed her to get her inspiring message across. Not only was this speech funny, but it was sincere and inspiring as well.

Throughout Ellen’s speech she was able to evoke many emotions, making her speech more powerful. In the beginning of her speech, Ellen starts off with many sarcastic, funny comments. For instance, right away she jokes that this award was so well deserved and that she started her talk show to become rich, and the audience is laughing. Of course, if anyone knows Ellen, you would know that these are just many of the funny types of comments she makes. After making the jokes, Ellen expresses how grateful she is for this award, and how she finds it crazy that she won an award for being kind, when in reality, we should be kind to everyone on a daily basis. After hearing Ellen’s message on kindness, she evokes a different emotion in us; we now feel inspired and uplifted. Ellen’s speech captured her personality: being funny and inspiring. The way her speech was able to incorporate both humor and seriousness allowed her message to play on both of these sentiments. The audience could laugh and enjoy themselves, but still retain the sincerity of Ellen’s message.

I think we can all say that if we unexpectedly won an award and had to talk in front of thousands of people, we would be a bit flustered and scared. However, Ellen’s body posture and her eye contact say otherwise. Throughout Ellen’s speech, Ellen stayed very calm and composed, maintaining eye contact with the audience. Her cool and collected nature enabled her to fully communicate her message to the audience. When Ellen makes eye contact and speaks clearly, an important connection is established between the speaker and the people listening. It enhances Ellen’s credibility, and the audience is more inclined to trust what she is saying.

Another important component in Ellen’s speech is the rate in which she speaks. Ellen’s timing of words allows for her audience to really process and understand her message. After Ellen makes a funny remark and share her powerful message on kindness, she takes big pauses, allowing the audience to really soak in her message. A lot of times, we see speaker’s give their speech at a very fast pace and taking few pauses. Unfortunately, sometimes the speaker’s message can end up getting lost. However, the timing of Ellen’s pauses play an important part in getting her message across.

Overall, Ellen does a great job at evoking multiple emotions, maintaining composure, and timing her words. By achieving all of this, it allows for her message to stick with the audience. Her message of kindness truly why Ellen deserved this award.

Ellen receiving the Humanitarian Award



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