Waking up around 9 was both refreshing and jolting. I deliberately faced my air mattress to the east, so as to absorb the morning light streaming through the narrow stained glass window. I did this for two reasons: beauty, and to ensure I woke up.
We ate breakfast as a group of 20 and discussed our day. For someone who routinely eats breakfast alone or not at all, it was an alive community.
We took a walk in two groups before worship, my group strolling towards Brickell Key, now developed into private condos and beachfront. A stone ledge is where we sat, witnessing the wealthy yachts zoom by, and tall ships under sail slip gracefully through the water, with not so much as a bow wave, and no stern suds and disruption from a propeller.
Worship was exemplary, even by the word of Diane, our resident Presbyterian pastor.