B4.  The teacher appropriately manages student learning and behavior.

Miss Irving’s “Secret Student”

The “Secret Student Certificate” I designed for my First Grade classroom.

At my elementary school, the staff is supplied with “PEP Tickets” which are used to reinforce positive behavior school-wide. When a student is caught practicing the expectations of school rules, they are rewarded with a PEP Ticket that can be entered in a lottery for various prizes such as extra recess, a prize basket, pizza with the principal and more. When I began my student-teaching experience, I brainstormed ways that I could create a behavior and classroom management routine while using PEP Tickets as an incentive.

I then utilized the “Secret Student” tactic; a classroom management strategy that is used to encourage each student to hold themselves accountable for their own behaviors. In the morning, I select a student and record their name on a post-it note. The selected student is kept confidential, unless the student has exhibited positive behaviors through the entirety of the day. The key to this strategy is to be conscious of communication with the students throughout the day. For example:

During the day:

  • “I am looking to see if my Secret Student has their hands by their sides, their lips are sealed, they are facing forward- this shows me that they are ready to walk in the hallway!”
  • “Hmmm, I wonder if my Secret Student is sitting with their bottom on the chair and they are showing me that it is time to learn.”
  • “My Secret Student is showing me that they are ready to continue with our lesson.”

When revealing the Secret Student:

  • “Everyone congratulate _____ for being a positive role model for today’s Secret Student! Wonderful job!”
  • “Unfortunately, I did not see the expectations followed by our Secret Student today. However, we can try again next week!”



Using the “Secret Student” Classroom Management Strategy has allowed me to:

    • communicate clear standards for conduct to learned, parents, etc.
    • understands how culture influences human interactions and behavior
    • fosters respect, cooperation, and resolution of conflict
    • proactively manages student behavior
    • responds to misbehavior effectively and sensitively
    • demonstrates care and respect for students
    • creates learning communities in which elementary students assume responsibility for themselves and one another, participate in decision making, work collaboratively and independently, and engage in purposeful learning activities