Seeing multinational corporations advocating for a cause, specifically the environment, has become commonplace in our society today. When our earth desperately needs intervention and activism from the highest level, companies like Coca-Cola are stepping up to the plate and using their massive following to inform their loyal supporters of one thing. Coca-Cola, in their new ad promoting eCoca-Cola, preaches the fact that the earth is dying, and it’s going to take the help of everyone to advocate for and save it. Using reminiscent colors and logos, Coca-Cola utilizes the visual rhetoric lens as a means to convince its audience that this issue is essential and that this ad is one paving the way for Fortune 500 companies to fight for the environment. Coca-Cola’s ad revolutionizes the way that mega-corporations advocate, and their blaze, alongside their use of rhetoric and commonplaces, is leading to a future of environmentalism in corporate America.
Utilizing common colors and brands that are reminiscent of the environment, the visual rhetoric lens is most clearly displayed in this ad. With a blanket of green, the first thought that occurs in any viewer’s mind is the environment. The second view that people get when looking at this ad is the large, centered text displaying “e-Cola-Cola”. This temporary change in product name, similar to IHOP’s change to IHob, is not only used to draw more attention to the unusual ad, but it also shows their devotion to truly advocating for the environment. Scattered throughout the remainder of the ad is branding from the World Wildlife Fund paired with the panda that serves as the logo for the non-profit. This ad is riddled with commonplaces revolving around the environment, as well as campaigns to advocate for wildlife. Coca-Cola’s ad advocates for the environment in interesting ways, but it also closely resembles several of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Pushing for a cleaner climate, life in the water, and life on land, SDG goals 13, 14, and 15 seem to be the primary inspiration for Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola’s newfound advocacy brings the public’s attention to the climate crisis, but it also sets a precedent that major corporations are in a position to lead advocacy, and that it’s their obligation, with their large platforms, to do so. Joining the likes of companies like Ben and Jerry’s and Levi’s, Coke joins a club of climate-friendly companies, and, in turn, inspires other companies to not only advocate for the environment but adopt cleaner production and distribution practices. The future of our planet lies in the hands of corporations with power, and it’s now their responsibility to lead the charge.
Speech Outline
The time is now for advocacy on behalf of the environment to become the forefront of our lives, and as governments and citizens begin to enact policies and push for change, significant power lies in the hands of Fortune 500 companies to MAKE change
Explaining Visual Rhetoric
- Green backsplash
- WWF branding
- “E-Coca-Cola”
- “Introducing a friendlier Coke”
SDG Goals
- 13- Climate Action
- 14- Life Below Water
- 15- Life on Land
Precedent Setting
- Leading the charge to make a change in company practices
- E.g., Ben and Jerry’s/Levi’s
- The time is now for changes to be made. People, governments, and corporations have the power in their hands to change the world and solidify the future of planet earth
I think that both your essay and spearhead are very well constructed and your ideas flow well around your central thesis. While I’m sure you are already working on this, my only feedback is to make sure you have a concrete civic artifact that you can use to analyze rhetorical similarities/differences with the Coca-Cola ad. You mention great examples of companies that are taking similar stands for environmental activism, so finding a specific artifact that can be analyzed through similar rhetorical lenses shouldn’t be a problem.
Also, I meant speech not spearhead😂
Hi, I think your ideas are clearly outlined in your essay. I also like how you acknowledge the precedent that Coca- Cola is setting. One thing that I would recommend is incorporating another artifact into your essay so that you can compare it to the Coca- Cola ad.
Your speech outline looks great! Your essay draft is also very good as well. I’m not sure if this is all you are planning to write, but make sure for the essay specifically that you are comparing it with another artifact. If you already know this, then I would add it to the intro to introduce both of them so it doesn’t come completely out of anywhere. Good job!
This is a great start to your essay and you clearly explained how the rhetorical choices of the eCoca-Cola campaign fit into your chosen lenses. Once you choose an artifact to compare this to, I think it will be great. I liked how you used the example of iHOP changing their name to iHOB in the second paragraph.