Just a few days ago, America laid witness to the yearly March for Life. This is not a new event, and has gone on for decades. However, I happened to notice the presence of a seldom talked about extremist group: Patriot Front. Classified as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, they do not typically come to the front of people’s minds, as compared to much larger groups. But this group still piqued my interest. I found their website, which was filled with typical white supremacist drivel (as is not surprising). But a certain part of their ideology seemed to reflect that of many white supremacist and racist groups in America, which compelled me to explore the validity of their claims:
“America has a unique national identity founded in European discovery and settlement”
While it may be worded differently, the idea of the supposedly unique ingenuity of the European people (or in less subtle terms, white people) is not a new one. The White Man’s Burden by Rudyard Kipling reflected this sentiment all the way back in 1899; it attempted to appeal the need to “civilize” the Philippines by asserting America’s dominance over it. It echoed the idea that the white man should not just be encouraged to conquer – he had a obligation to do so, despite the hardships that he may endure. The idea of European imperialism having a moral basis was also espoused through the idea of “Manifest Destiny” in a similar era. While this idea may not be as openly espoused today, fringes of society still maintain the “virtues” of colonialism and imperialism, and the benefits they had towards the subjects.
But leading back to the question in the title, does this idea have any merit? Are America and its resulting innovations a uniquely European endeavor?
A wealth of examples would point towards the negative. The Native Americans, who inhabited North America far before the Europeans, were far more advanced than their European counterparts painted them as. They had developed precursors to infant formula and syringes. African-Americans have lived in the country since the early 1600s, and have made innumerable contributions to America’s cultural exports such as music like the blues and soul, and to poetry and literature. Some of America’s largest websites like YouTube and LinkedIn were founded by Asian-Americans. But even without mentioning the most vital contributions, it is well-known that people of color contribute to the everyday of America – as doctors, engineers, farmers, and all the other professions that make up the unnamed backbone of America.
To conclude, why does this matter? Well, with recent attacks on critical race theory and diversity initiatives, America risks losing sight of the multiracial character that defines our land. Portraying America as a purely European nation is a blatantly pseudo-historical retelling of its tale, that does little but spur hatred and division. It remains vitally important that we remind ourselves as Americans that we are not bonded through something as superficial as race; rather, we stand united under the very idea of innovation.
Vegan Kitchen: Americans have been enjoying nut milk and nut butter for at least 4 centuries
Vegan Kitchen: Americans have been enjoying nut milk and nut butter for at least 4 centuries
I think your topic is very unique and interesting, and I would of never thought about this. I think it is important to acknowledge those who came before us, especially from Europe and indigenous people, which I like how you brought up during your blog.
I really like your argument. Coming from the Bay Area, I’m used to the idea that the US is a “melting pot” of all sorts of identities and backgrounds that have created our vibrant culture. When people tried to make claims saying that one race or background is more valid in our country’s history than another, public opinion refuted it. But in the last few years and here in a more predominantly-white area, I have absolutely seen more speech attempting to create a view of our history and country’s state of being that favors white people and discriminates against whatever is deemed to be “other.” Long story short, I absolutely agree with your point of view and wish more people understood the importance of having many cultures spotlighted in our country’s history, present, and future.
I like your argument because it specifically challenges what America represents in our current political climate. America is not that welcoming place for all people, backgrounds, views, and equal opportunities that it made seem to outsiders or foreigners. With all the diversity in America, the majority of power is still held by the white race, and the majority of the policies seem to favor them. Having different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds is essential to a functioning democracy, and I wish that was made more of a priority in America.