30th of October

Mike Szczesniak.

Mechanical engineering.
This is Mike’s story.
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Mike chose Penn State due to the amazing engineering program. As most of you know aside from “undecided” majority of most classes are comprised of engineering major. Shocker right??? Well, not quite I guess given our ranking amongst many other top notch schools. Mike is quoted saying, “It is one of the best in Pennsylvania and has a huge alumni network…” While Mike is right about the alumni network, he is slightly off in his saying “one of” because I do believe WE ARE (Penn State, of course) the BEST school in Pennsylvania as far as engineering is concerned.IMG_7908
Counter to what has already been said to make Penn State sound amazing (and it is), Mike was not originally jumping out of his seat at the thought of Penn State. He claims that he was overexposed to Penn State and his town is “almost cultish” about it and that annoyed him. (Penn State cult?! Can I join?) However, our lovely party reputation, big school atmosphere, and engineering program and network eventually won him over.
While here, Mike spends a lot of time working out which is pretty easy to do given a few hundred steps out of his dorm takes him right to the IM building. This interest had led him to consider joining the Penn State Club Powerlifting team which was not in the cards for him due to shoulder and knee injuries. But he hopes to join next year! Alongside working out, he is on the Club Swim team, and he swims at the McCoy Natatorium (Will he meet his future wife like his fellow swimmers?) Opposite of his exercise, he participates in Super Smash Brothers gaming tournaments and is honest about not being very good though enjoying his playing time. the swim team along with the general population at Penn State holds these tournaments, however, the general competitions are definitely more competitive.Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 8.39.09 PM
Mike is 100% Polish and is technically part of the Polish Student Organization at Penn State (the technicality comes into play because it only started this year and has not quite “gotten its footing”).

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