Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Since January 8, 2018 I have watched 90 episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and right now it is by far my favorite show and the easiest to binge because the episodes are only 20 minutes long. I’ve been streaming it for my binge sessions, but normally it airs on FOX on Tuesdays at 10pm. The show is currently on their mid-season break and will come back this spring, so now is the perfect time to start binging.


Detective Jake Peralta, played by Andy Samberg, works in the 99th precinct in Brooklyn and is known as the best detective with the best arrest record. He’s also known for being really immature and loves to joke around and make Die Hard references while working cases. His best friend is Detective Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) and his love interest is Detective Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero), who he’s extremely competitive with at work. Other main characters include Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher), Detective Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti), and Sergeant Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews).

Why I Binge:

The show deals with a lot of serious issues, like racial profiling and homophobia, but is also one of the funniest shows I’ve ever watched. It was created by the same people who made Parks and Recreation, so it has that same kind of humor and makes a lot of clever pop culture references. Also, there’s a lot of diversity, with two Latina women and two black men being included in the cast of main characters, as well as two people of color being members of the LGBT+ community. A lot of comedy shows rely on sexism and stereotypes for its humor, but Brooklyn Nine-Nine is genuinely funny without being offensive. Every single main character is likable, has compelling story lines, and goes through noticeable character development throughout the show’s five current seasons.

Why You Should Start It:

The episodes are only 20 minutes long, which is the perfect length to watch a few episodes before bed, before going to class, or while taking a break from homework. Like I said earlier, there’s a lot of diversity in the show, which is like a healthy breath of fresh air compared to the white-washed heterosexual TV and movies we usually have to choose from. If you loved The Office and Parks and Rec, this will be right up your alley because it uses the same kind of quick wit. Also, a lot of actors from The Office have guest starred in various episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, including the actors for Andy, Oscar, Meredith, and Darryl, who has a recurring role as the Pontiac Bandit, Jake Peralta’s “arch-nemesis.”

The first episode is a little slow, but after that it really picks up and now I’ve found myself watching almost 100 episodes in three weeks. I love it because even though it’s obviously really funny, it also has serious moments, dramatic storylines, and a really good love story. The chemistry between all of the cast seems very real and makes the characters a lot more likable and their friendships/relationships more realistic. I really could not recommend this show enough.

Where to Watch:


2 thoughts on “Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  1. I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine! It’s such a good show and I completely agree with you about how genuinely funny it is. I like that they’re short episodes and like you said its good if you want to catch an episode before class or for a quick homework break, but honestly I try that and I just keep clicking next episode every time because it’s so good. I think this is a great passion blog topic and I can’t wait to see what other shows you’ll talk about.

  2. I really like this concept! Although I never have time to watch Netflix throughout the year, I really look forward to a list of shows to binge watch over break. Also, seeing some actors in this post that I only knew from other movie is really cool so maybe I’ll have to check it out.

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