The power of a candlelight ceremony

So throughout this week I found a common theme in each of my days, so I decided to narrow it down this week and just focus on one positive in particular. This week I had my candlelight ceremony for my sorority. Basically, this is just a time for all of us to get closer and share stuff about ourselves. During this time, I learned a lot about others and enjoyed hearing them tell stories and open up. 

Ideas for a Candlelight Memorial Service | LoveToKnow

But, from hearing all these stories, I also learned that there were a lot of people who weren’t as fortunate as I am to have such a great relationship with my parents, or to even still have both my parents. This really made me think more about how lucky I should feel to have such an amazing relationship with my parents and to still have two loving parents. Many people shared about divorces, a parent passing away, and just an overall bad relationship with their parents. 

This week, I had a longing for home, which is probably the first time I’ve felt like this since being at Penn State. I’m not sure where it came from or what triggered it, but during this candlelight ceremony, all those feelings just got so intense and I had just wished in that moment that I could get a hug from both my parents and just tell them how grateful I am to have them in my life. 

I’ve realized that throughout this whole experience, I’ve been looking over the major positives in my life and taken them for granted. Who cares if I have a bad day, or a bad week, and can’t find the positives that come out of it. What I’ve learned from this is that no matter how bad my day, week, month, or year is, I will always have my parents and their unconditional love, which is the best positive I could ever think of. 

I guess you could say that my positive this week is that candlelight ceremony, because without that, I wouldn’t have made the realization that I will always have a positive aspect in my life no matter what and to never take that for granted. From this, I hope you realized that one thing or person in your life that will always be a positive no matter what and even on your worst days and times, they will be there to brighten it up and bring some light into your life. 

25 positive quotes to kick out all problems in your life - Information News

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