It’s the small things in life

This week was a little stressful just because of midterms and my workload, but overall it was a pretty good week. My first positive that I’m going to start off with is that I got a 68 on my psychology exam. Now reading that you’re probably like that’s not something to be happy about, and trust me I was very upset when I first saw it. But, after going to class my professor had gone over class averages and the average was a 70, so I ended up doing pretty well compared to others. I also realized that my exams don’t count for much in that class, so I ended up being okay with my grade and was pretty proud of myself for doing that well, considering the rest of the class didn’t do that great. Yes, I would love to get a higher grade on my next exam and that is what I will strive to go for next time, but for now I am happy about my grade compared to others in the class and it was a good part of my week. 

  My second positive of this week is that I finally got initiated into my sorority. This was a big positive of this week for me because now I am finally an active member and can fully say I am a part of the sorority. Now I can put my efforts into helping make a change through the sorority and get more involved. I am super excited to see all that I accomplish with getting involved and how it will help me in the future.

Lastly, I have been on top of my studying for my midterm due on Sunday. Normally, I put off things until last minute which isn’t good. But, I’m going on vacation on Sunday so I knew I needed to prepare for my midterm. I made a plan for studying each day and it’s been super helpful for me and I can tell that I am definitely going to be prepared for my exam. It is a super small positive, but in the end it takes a lot of stress out of my week and has helped me a lot with being prepared for this exam and being confident when I go to take it. 

Don’t forget to stay positive and remember the small things in life that can add together to make you have a happier and more positive outlook on life. 

100 Positive Quotes During Quarantine—Best Positive Quotes (2021)

One thought on “It’s the small things in life”

  1. Molly, I always love reading your blog because it is so positive. I really enjoyed the fact that you did not get down on yourself for your exam grade and even though it was not the best score you found a way to make it positive. You have such a good outlook on life!

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