We can all agree that the our motivation to workout just isn’t there most of the time. I am guilty of choosing my bed over exercising more times than I’m proud of. Trust me we’ve all been there, torn between laying in our comfy beds or couches or getting up and moving around and becoming all sweaty. The thought of it just isn’t fun, let alone the action. But, I can promise you once you overcome that dreadful thought of getting up and finally start to workout, you’ll be so glad you did.

Normani - Motivation (Lyrics) - YouTube

It’s no surprise to us when we hear that exercise can improve our overall health. Many studies all over have been done to prove this, and even without knowing about these studies I think we can all agree that we know it can improve our health. It’s been proven that exercise can improve our heart and help it beat slower and stronger, prevent diabetes, improve your arteries, help the brain, and so much more. I could go on and on about how good exercise is for you and the benefits you get from it, but it would just become repetitive at that point.

If the health benefits aren’t enough motivation for you, then the mental health benefits might be. Exercise has been shown to help improve with anxiety, depression, negative moods, and overall self-esteem. Feeling down about yourself today, go for a run or even just a walk. Go on a hike with your friends or if you have a pet, take it to the park. Just getting out and exercising for a little bit will help you feel better and can even improve your self-esteem. Don’t believe me? Go try it for yourself and see if it works.

Still not motivated enough to go exercise? Well hopefully this will help you. I know we all love sleep, who doesn’t? If while reading that you said you do, then this should help to motivate you. It has been said that exercising can help and improve your sleep. The more you workout, the more you tire out your body. The more you tire out your body, the better you sleep and the more you want to sleep. Once you see how it can enhance your sleep once, I guarantee you will want to continue exercising in order to get that good nights rest.

Lastly, in our heads we all have an image of ourselves we want to be and wish we could be. Exercising can be the first step to becoming that person. Having the motivation to exercise can also spark motivation to do other things in our life that we tend to not be motivated to do. I can tell you first hand that ever since I’ve worked out everyday, it has given me the motivation to want to change other parts of my life. I’ve become more organized and started to improve just my everyday lifestyle.

I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that you’re going to have the motivation to workout everyday, because you’re not. Some days you’ll just want to sit on your couch or lay in your bed and just tell yourself you’ll exercise tomorrow. But, you just have to push through it because pushing through it is what’s going to give you the motivation for the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. It all starts with right now and what you do to motivate yourself today that will set the base for the next days, weeks, months, and years to come.

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3 thoughts on “Motivation Is Key

  1. Great post, Molly! This was definitely a good reminder for me since I often choose Netflix over going on a run. The next time I am making the choice of whether to be lazy or active I will think back to this article and remember all the points you made.

  2. I completely agree with the difficulties of working out (especially compared to binge eating on the couch instead), but it is important to understand how many benefits come alongside good exercise. I like how instead of talking about favorite exercises or why you ar intrigued by them, you tried to motivate people to not just work out, but to also subscribe to your blog. Very well done and I am very intrigued and impressed by the work here. Definitley encouraged me to wipe the chips off my chest, and go do some push-ups

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