This week I decided to take a break from all these exercises and discuss that stubborn lower belly fat. Lower belly fat can have many effects other than just cause lower body confidence or self esteem. Belly fat gives concerns for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, breathing problems, and many more. Belly fat is determined by how many calories you consume during the day, how many calories you burn through daily exercise, and as well as your age. 

Beating the Belly Fat During Menopause | Meno and Me | Menopause blog

The main way to lose that stubborn belly fat is to focus on making changes in your everyday life. First off, start out with a change in your movement everyday. If you find yourself sitting down most of the day or not getting enough exercise in your everyday life, I promise just getting up and walking around or even trying to get a few minutes of exercise a day will show you a change in your body. Getting 10,000 steps a day or trying to exercise for just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference, and can also help to get you into a routine and sooner or later it will become something that you want to do everyday and feel excited and happy to do, rather than a chore. 

As well as getting exercise, you also need to change upyour diet. Now, this doesn’t have to be a drastic change and it doesn’t even have to be a diet. I know when I hear that word, it makes me run the other way. But, I promise it’s not that bad. Even just trying to eat less calories and exercise more can create a huge change in your life and can be a great start to trying to fight back against that belly fat. You can also try to eat more organic or healthier foods and I know for me, I like to know what I’m eating so try and buy foods that you know how to pronounce the ingredients and there isn’t anything in there that sounds alien to you or you can’t even pronounce; that tends to be a huge sign that it isn’t the best thing for you to put into your body. These are just a few ways that you can change up certain lifestyle habits to get rid of that stubborn body fat, and I promise they will make a huge difference.


Now, once you’ve changed up your lifestyle habits, even a little bit, it’s time to try and incorporate exercises into your workouts that target the belly fat. You can tone your abs with exercises and as I mentioned in my last blog, take a 10 minute time slot at the end of your workouts to target your abs and to get that extra burn in. Some examples would be your standard plank, mountain climbers, crunches, and many more which were mentioned in the previous blog. 

If you follow these few but life changing tips, I promise that stubborn body fat will be gone in no time!

14 Easy Lifestyle Habits To Stay Healthy, Happy and Fit - Jill Conyers

One thought on “That Stubborn Body Fat That Never Seems to Go Away

  1. I have always struggled with lower belly fat and you gave some amazing tips!! I will try to change my diet in a small way, as I too often shy away from diets.

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