Fitness journeys or even just lifestyle changes take a long time to fully develop into a daily routine. Because of this, it’s very easy to get discouraged and want to quit a few days in. Shamelessly, I was in that position myself. I wanted to make a change to my life and create a better lifestyle for myself that could make me a happier person overall. A few days in, I was feeling great and pushing myself to do things I never imagined myself doing. But, fast forward a few days after that, and I started to get very discouraged. I realized that I wasn’t seeing much change and that happiness started to wear off and I wanted to just quit. The best thing I did for myself though, was to keep pushing through. 

Do You Ever Get Discouraged? | Authentic Appreciation at Work : Authentic  Appreciation at Work

I contemplated quitting that whole day and just wanted to go back to taking naps, eating bad foods, and not prioritizing myself. What motivated me to not quit you might ask? The wonderful thing we call the internet. I decided to search up and research about lifestyle changes and did some digging. I read other people’s stories and felt very inspired by theirs. I also felt a connection between the stories to myself because they all talked about feeling discouraged and wanting to give up. This gave me hope and motivated me to stick to my routine and know that eventually it will all pay off. 

Pushing Through: A Diary |

If I could give advice to anyone, whether it’s in fitness or just in general, it would be to keep pushing through and don’t give up. After doing research and reading a ton, I learned that our goals take time to achieve. Yes, some people may see results in the first week or so, but our overall goals take months. Once I realized this and accepted that this change wasn’t going to come overnight, I began to see changes fast, if that even makes sense. I felt that I worked harder everyday and pushed myself to achieve this goal. Yes, I had days that I still felt discouraged, but I pushed through them and moved onto the next day knowing that I didn’t give up and I’m one step closer to achieving that goal. 

Now that I pushed through that hard time, I am happier and don’t think I can go a day without working out. I eat better and workout everyday and am finally in a routine that makes me feel good about myself. Just thinking about if I had given up that day gives me extra motivation to keep pushing myself. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today, and yes it took a lot of time, but in the end it was all worth it. Even though I achieved my goal, I am still trying to grow as a person everyday and push myself to new limits. I create new goals for myself and keep myself on my toes. 

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If you’re ever feeling discouraged, take my advice and don’t give up. I promise it will all be worth it. Change isn’t going to happen overnight, so just work hard and your goals will become achieved faster than you know it. 

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