As the holidays are approaching, many of us can lose our focus on our fitness goals. With all the food and spending time with family, it can be tempting. But, there’s still ways to enjoy the holidays and still keep on track with your goals. 

Decorating your Thanksgiving table

First off, before the holidays roll around, make sure you write down your goals again so that you have them to remember. If you constantly have a reminder of what you’re working towards, that will help with the motivation to keep it up and continue with them. 

Second, deals with the food. I know, there’s food everywhere. But don’t let that discourage you. It’s okay to take a day to eat the foods you wouldn’t normally eat to achieve your goals, and that’s okay. If you want to still enjoy the food, but not feel bad about enjoying the food, then just portion out your dishes. Try to stick with more protein on your plate along with vegetables. You can have those mashed potatoes, just try to have a smaller portion of them. The stuffing that’s staring you in the face is okay to have too, just take smaller portions of it. Reaching your goals doesn’t have to be sacrificing the foods and meals you love, it just means balance and control over how much of each food you allow to be on your plate.

Portion Control Your Thanksgiving Feast | Healthease Fitness

Lastly, it’s okay to take the day off of working out. It’s not going to slow down your process or set you back in any way. Don’t feel guilty about this, because I’m sure we’re all going to want to do it as well. Even I plan on taking a day off, and I usually try to workout seven days out of the week. You just have to remember to stick with your goal and get right back into it the next day. Taking a day off is not something to worry about, as we all need days off here and there. 

The holidays aren’t as scary for people with fitness goals as they may seem. Having your goal in mind and just portioning out your meals can help you stay on track and get right back into it the next day. So, go eat that piece of bread, enjoy that stuffing, and don’t feel guilty about having a slice of pumpkin pie! Remember, people don’t get skinny by just eating one salad, so you’re not going to get fat by just eating one slice of pumpkin pie. Trust the process and enjoy your holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving

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