The new year is slowly approaching us and this means a time for change. We all know the cliche ‘new year’s resolutions’ everyones going to make, but never actually stick with. That’s because we put so much pressure on ourselves to stick to something exactly and when conflict gets in the way and we miss […]
The Holiday Scaries
As the holidays are approaching, many of us can lose our focus on our fitness goals. With all the food and spending time with family, it can be tempting. But, there’s still ways to enjoy the holidays and still keep on track with your goals. First off, before the holidays roll around, make sure you […]
Hit that Split
Many people don’t know what type of workout split they should be following or even try to follow a workout split and just do whatever they feel like doing that day. While this might be effective for some, it’s not the ideal way to take on the gym. There isn’t an exact workout split that […]
No Gym? No problem
When I first heard that the gyms were opening back up after quarantine, I was ecstatic. I’m sure all you gym lovers out there were too. Working out at home was definitely a challenge, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. It brought out my creative side and made me think of new […]
Feeling Discouraged? Take My Advice.
Fitness journeys or even just lifestyle changes take a long time to fully develop into a daily routine. Because of this, it’s very easy to get discouraged and want to quit a few days in. Shamelessly, I was in that position myself. I wanted to make a change to my life and create a better […]
That Big Scary Thing We Call The Gym
Going to the gym can be very intimidating for some people and can just be overwhelming from the second you walk in. I’d be lying if I said that I was comfortable and confident the first time I went to the gym. It took me a while to finally be confident and be excited about […]
That Stubborn Body Fat That Never Seems to Go Away
This week I decided to take a break from all these exercises and discuss that stubborn lower belly fat. Lower belly fat can have many effects other than just cause lower body confidence or self esteem. Belly fat gives concerns for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, breathing problems, and many more. Belly […]
Have an AB-Tastic Day!
I don’t know about you, but abs are my favorite part of my workouts. Not only because I love to feel the burn in my stomach while doing them, but also because I know that I’ve reached the end of my workout for the day. Ending my workouts with abs gives me that extra push […]
Holy HIIT!
Anytime I tell someone that I run for fun, it’s usually always the same reaction; A raised eyebrow and a scared look as if there’s something wrong with me. Trust me, I get it. If you came to me 2 years ago and said that you ran for fun, I would have given the same […]
Motivation Is Key
We can all agree that the our motivation to workout just isn’t there most of the time. I am guilty of choosing my bed over exercising more times than I’m proud of. Trust me we’ve all been there, torn between laying in our comfy beds or couches or getting up and moving around and becoming […]