The best way to save money on food is not to dine out. But sometimes a meal in a restaurant can be a very nice treat. And with a few tricks, you can do it without breaking the bank.
Try the early bird special. Many restaurants offer reduced prices in the early evening. You don’t have to be a senior citizen to take advantage of it.
- Go out for lunch rather than dinner. A lot of restaurants serve similar offerings on the lunch and dinner menus, but at very different prices. The lunch menu is almost always less expensive.
- Order the big portion—and a doggy bag. Many restaurants offer multiple portion sizes on their entrees. In some cases you can get up to twice as much for only a few dollars more. Take the big portion. Split it in half and take the extra home. You’ll get two meals for the price of one!
- Eat out on off nights. Most restaurants are busiest on Friday and Saturday nights. Be on the lookout for places offering special deals on weeknights as incentive to lure customers in.
- Use coupons. Watch the newspaper for coupons for national chains. Find other coupons in the Entertainment Book or buy discount gift certificates at
- BYOB. If you like a glass of wine with dinner, look for a restaurant that doesn’t have a liquor license but will allow you to bring in your own bottle of wine.
- Drink water. There is a huge profit margin on beverages at restaurants. The glass of soda that costs the restaurant only a few cents to pour will likely cost you a dollar or two to purchase. But water remains free…and much better for your health!
Follow these tips and enjoy some great restaurant meals without going broke. Bon appétit!