We use millions of tons of plastic every year. We utilize plastics in garbage bags and shopping bags, containers, boxes, cups, toys, and many other everyday products. Plastic can be found literally everywhere. However, we usually ignore the common knowledge that the material can never break down or go away, and so it will remain in the environment for decades- harming our surroundings, oceans, and animals everywhere.
In terms of the picture shown above, a young innocent boy dressed in white seems to be crouching down to lift up the edge of the bright blue shore. Beneath lies multiple plastic bottles, grocery bags, and other products made from plastic. In front of it lies a dejected crab and some snails seeming to be running from the ocean. Essentially the picture, in itself, depicts all of our oceans. A large floating garbage disposal.
In the photo, we can see how on top, the ocean seems like a clear, blue typical ocean we usually picture when thinking of the body of water. However, the picture is showing you what our oceans actually consist of. The point is that underneath the beauty of our oceans lies our dreadful actions. It is common sense that littering is wrong, it’s just not really a secret. But it’s just nonsensical how we still do it and consciously know that it is harming our oceans. The image is showing how we are the ones who are damaging our oceans, by using plastic materials and not caring enough about how to dispose of them. It is true that we only see what floats, however the image wants us to look further and realize that the real damage lies beneath.
The image shows how oceans and beaches are seen as “pristine” and “calming” however when you walk on those beaches, no matter where you go there is trash littered everywhere. The animals fleeing from the ocean shows how the plastic thrown into it can harm animals and potentially kill them. It conveys how littering can lead to the death of animals and how many of them need to escape from their own habitats in order to be alive.
As for the young boy depicted in the photo, I view him as the foundation for a change in the way we use plastic. I believe the author of the photo wants to depict how our upcoming generations have the power to understand the effects of pollution and the real harm it brings to our oceans and animals. By dressing the boy in white, it may express the message that he is the change our oceans need, and that our world has some hope for the future in which we become more aware of our actions and try to protect our nature.
I agree, our oceans are devastated by pollution. I feel that many people know about the shift that needs to occur, but aren’t given the resources to do so. It would take a government effort to help combat the issues we have. In addition to that, the effort would have to be global because the United States isn’t the sole contributor to the pollution in the oceans. Nonetheless, I agree that the ocean pollution issue should be solved as quickly as possible.
Pollution has been a problem that has been around for quite some time now, and it’s a problem that is step by step destroying our ecosystem and ruining the lives of countless sea creatures. The beach can be a place of beauty. The calm, meditative sounds of ocean waves crashing against the beach combined with the sunny happiness of relaxing creates a setting that washes our worries away. Which is ironic, because we should be worrying about our beaches and our oceans, for pollution is ruining that. How many times have we seen pictures of dirty beaches that resemble a garbage dump? How many times have we seen pictures of oceans with beer bottles and soda cans floating at the top? We are dismantling a beautiful part of what makes Earth so beautiful, and we aren’t doing enough to stop it. This picture is powerful because it’s a call to action, it calls for us to stop destroying the water and to take care of it. Humans have the power to make a difference, so let’s use that power.
I think that this picture is a very eye-opening representation of oceans today. When we go to the beach, the furthest thing from our minds is the trash that terrorizes animals under the sea. Even if we do see a bottle or two, we tend to not consider the drastic impact that this pollution has on the ecosystem as a whole. This picture displays how, on the surface, our oceans look beautiful and clear. However, deep under, they also cover up trash. I think you did a great job examining the picture and really thinking deeper into what it means. I would not have even considered what his shirt color may represent, the hope for the future of the oceans. Overall, I think that ocean pollution and littering is a big problem in today’s society, and it is up to the next generation to save these beloved ecosystems.
I think what people make the mistake of is that an individual has the power to change this drastic situation. It’s sadly not. For the world to be saved, we need a system built on planning and science instead of unstable forces and profit. Profit is running our planet and destroying our oceans, and the states with the power to change things cannot do so because they themselves are enslaved to the problem. These problems shown here are closely linked with imperialism (the US Military, for example, is the largest institutional polluter in the world) and capitalism. For us to change our world and survive, it’s not our job to fix climate change, but to change the system to one that gives us the power ti change it