Collge vs Trade School

In recent years the total number of college graduates has steadily increased. More and more students are graduating high school and attending either 4-year universities or community college. This number has not increased because, the price of college has decreased; rather, quite the opposite is true. Although the cost of a college education is rising, many students still choose to attend because college has now become the “norm.” By parents, and often teachers, sending their students to college is the only path. However, there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of students attending trade school. Although trade school is much cheaper, there is a new social stigma around learning a trade. Weighing the costs and benefits of a college education versus the cost of a trade school is imperative. There are many arguments that explore both side of this education issue, as well as many proposed solutions, but it is still a point of contention in society.

To begin, the time and money it takes to go to trade school is a large advantage that these types of schools hold over 4-year universities. On average, a bachelor’s degree takes 4 years or more to complete. However, a trade school often only requires typically two years. This saved two years allows young adults to start their career and build experience sooner than later. Furthermore, a bachelor’s degree is much more expensive. A bachelor’s degree in America costs an average of $127,000, while trade school has an average cost of closer to $33,000. This can save students from massive amounts of debt and put them in better positions when it comes to buying a house and starting a family.

Choosing trade school over a university offers other wide variety of advantages as well. Most programs that trade schools offer are high in demand because fewer students are choosing to attend a train school. Additionally, trade schools are often much smaller than universities, and they can create a more personalized experience. According to Rockford Career college, “With smaller classes, professors are able to give one-on-one attention that each student deserves.” Another advantage that trade schools possess is that students receive job experience while still learning. Trade schools provide more hands-on education than just what exists in a classroom environment at a university. Finally, trade schools offer another unique advantage over universities. When it comes to college, classes start only at specific times in the year, typically fall and spring. However, many trade schools have rolling applications and students can begin classes at any point in the year. Some trade schools even offer classes beginning every 10 weeks. In the end, there a wide variety of reasons that a student would choose a trade school education over a college education.

However, a college education can provide students with many other advantages that a trade school simply cannot provide. On average, college graduates earn much more than high school or grade school graduates. A bachelor’s degree is a requirement for many higher paying jobs available in the United States. Aside from simply earning more, college graduates have a much lower rate of poverty and unemployment. This is often the case because a college degree can offer more job security than a trade. Furthermore, because the trend in the United States is moving towards everyone having a college education, more jobs are beginning to require a bachelor’s degree. In fact, compared to earlier generations, Millennials with only a high school diploma are suffering more economically. Furthermore, college allows students to pursue more diverse interests than trade schools. While earning a bachelor’s degree, most universities require students to complete a certain amount of general education courses. This broadens students’ horizons in comparison to trade schools where students often only study what they need for their career. In the end, there are innumerable reasons to consider a college education over a trade.

Situations like the one above with many advantages and disadvantages for each side, force the actual solution to be considered by a case by case basis. For many students, a trade is more than sufficient to be successful in their career. However, when aspiring to be a lawyer or a similar career, students are required to receive more education. In the end, students and parents must weigh all of the options when considering the future. Everyone has a different situation and therefore the best path is unique for every individual. In the end, trade school and college are essential parts of education in the US to continue the functioning of society.


The 7 Benefits of Going to College


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