Name: Michael K. Pleasants

Hometown: Teaneck, NJ

Age: 25

Education:  A.S., Bergen Community College

Focus: Business Development, Entrepreneurship, and Technology


Ever since I was a child I admired people who brave enough to go out and start something new. I also had a special admiration for entrepreneurs that had the ability to create something from nothing. They were the explorers of the business world and are to the day responsible for most of the things in my daily life I am fond of. I grew up reading about true pioneers like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, modern legends like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and innovators like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos that quite literally changed the world within their lifetime.

My first entrepreneurial endeavor was when I was a child I would buy candy in bulk and sell each piece individually. At the age of 10 I was making my own money. As I got older my endeavors became larger and the experience was addicting. When I matriculated to college I launched an event planning business that operated across 3 states, had 7 part-time employees, and generated revene in the 10s of thousand of dollars each semester.

I currently own an LLC in California and a C-Corp in Delaware. I hope to launch my next business this upcoming January.