Dyslexia is a disorder that brings about difficulties when it comes to learning to read or interpreting words and letters. According to new studies 70-80% of people with a reading difficulty have Dyslexia, and its estimated that 5-10%of the world’s population has it with most not even knowing it. Dyslexia knows no gender, language, or culture, and it affects every part of the world. It is still being learned about today, we know it affects people of all intelligence levels, more often people with Dyslexia are above the so called “average”. There is no cure because it is not a disease,it is a lifelong condition withproper instruction, hard work and support,people are able to succeed academically and throughouttheir whole life.
This blog is for those wholike myself, were told at some point in their lives that they weren’t trying or are stupid, only because they have Dyslexia. I hope toeducate those whodon’t have this disorder in orderto learn that it does not make people stupid,it just changes the way we learn. Some of the greatest minds and leaders the world has seen had Dyslexia. I hope this blog is able to inspire those who struggle with this disability to keep working hard to rise above and to teach more people that Dyslexia is not stupidity, it just makes us harder workers.