Being a political science major, I was excited to see that politics were included as one of the four broad topics I could write about for my CI blog. I think it would be good practice for me to have to talk about and explain topics that I’ve learned in my PLSC classes to other people who do not major in it. Specifically, after looking at some of the politics examples I think it would be interesting to focus on US foreign policy and write about America’s relation with a different country each time a CI blog it due. For example, one week it could be America’s relationship with the UK, and I would explain the history between the two all the up to the current state. Next week I would write about America’s relationship with Iran, and talk about the Iran Nuclear Deal and the assassination of one of their generals via drone strike and how this has tensed the relationship ect. I think focusing on a different country each week would be a good way to really narrow in on the relationship between the US and another country as opposed to talking about a broader topic. An example being me writing about the US and Iran instead of “The US Middle Eastern Foreign Policy”. In conclusion, I’m excited to write about topics relative to my major and think this blog topic will be a good way to keep up on current events and various countries in the world today.