Urban Meyer’s ‘Stupid’ Bar Incident

As a Penn State student and football fanatic, I already have some preconceived notions against Urban Meyer. For one, he was the head coach for Penn State’s rival, Ohio State. Now that he has made his way up the totem pole to the NFL, his life is even more public than it was before. Meyer was seen in his restaurant out with his friends, we later find out that he was up to some sketchy things post-hangout with his buddies. Via a viral video on social media, the public saw Jacksonville’s head coach with a young lady dancing all over him. Keep in mind – Mr. Meyer is married.

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Within the next week, Meyer released a statement apologizing to the Jaguars and explaining himself to the public. His wife also released a statement regarding the incident.

From a Public Relations perspective, it feels like Meyer needs someone watching over him so he doesn’t make these mistakes in the public eye. Furthermore, Meyer needs to question his own morals, and realize that he is setting an example for young men. He serves as a role model to many, as he is a legendary football coach. Because of this, he needs to consider the amount of people that are watching him, and the young people that look up to him.

After the fact, I believe Meyer’s PR team, spokespeople, and Meyer himself handled the situation to the best of their ability. The right thing to do was own up to the mistake and express full honesty. Although some may not forget the incident, at least he apologized and expressed gratitude towards those that were offended.  Also, it was a smart PR move to have Meyer’s wife make a statement. I believe this was meant to prove that if his own wife can forgive him, then we can too.

Hopefully this incident did not diminish the trust between Meyer and his players, and if it did, I hope he works to mend that connection.

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