The Switch From Notre Dame to LSU

If you follow college football, I am sure you are familiar with Notre Dame’s late head coach, Brian Kelly. Kelly was signed on to Notre Dame in 2010, and has been there ever since… until now. As of November 28th, Kelly is LSU’s new head coach with a 10-year deal and earning $9.5 million per year. Not only is he bringing in a nice couple millions, incentives are also a part of this deal. Seems to me like Brian Kelly just found his dream job!

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It seems as though Notre Dame is going to miss their coach, as he has has led the team to the most wins in their history. Although exciting for Kelly, was the way the news broke appropriate in the PR world?

Kelly decided to send a text to his players that he was leaving the program, which was set into place immediately. BUT! This text was sent after players had already seen it on social media. Are you thinking… “Maybe he should have held a meeting or something to tell the faculty and players?” Me too, because he should have. Kelly has spent a considerable amount of time at Notre Dame, and leaving with barely any notice or explanation is extremely unprofessional and heartless. Thankfully, he did end up holding a meeting… that lasted two minutes.

Here is where we wonder where the PR people went wrong. Did they even know? Was this something Kelly kept private? Either way, the PR team is not handling the media or Kelly very appropriately. This former Notre Dame coach needs to first apologizes to his faculty and to his players in a private meeting. He then needs to get in public and express his gratitude towards the program, and thank all that have played a role in his winning career. If PR personnel were not originally involved, I hope that they are now. I am curious to see how this progresses and affects Kelly’s character.

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